Reduce the clinical burden placed on a provider due to challenges and or limitations stemming from health IT systems, associated clinical data, and implemented clinical decision support services
Represent clinical data elements for COVID-19 workflows in a consistent format (i.e. utilizing BPM+) so that it is underpinned by a fully-defined terminology model and common data model (i.e., Solor and Analysis Normal Form)
Standardize the application of clinical workflows and clinical decision support to enhance clinical quality improvement, analytics, and other clinical data processing around COVID-19 screening, testing, and treatment, to be leveraged for future public health emergencies
The KBS Informatics Knowledge Architecture found below will enable a streamlined and simplified workflow for specifying a consistent representation for clinical data extracted from EHR systems and enhance these data for use in enhancing COVID-19 workflows. Furthermore, our architecture will result in clinical data that is easily normalized, improving integration with BPM+ and other procedural knowledge artifacts.