In terms of software and infrastructure, the HSPC ID System is an instance of Gluu Server, which is one of the leading fully-Open Source implementations. Gluu Server is deployed to the Platform Engineering Virtual Private Cloud on AWS and Internet accessible at at https://id.hspconsortium.org. To avoid inadvertent circle dependencies, Gluu Server is run on a dedicated Ubuntu Server VM.
Rough Project Tasks
- Establish Gluu Server
- Set up in Platform VPC
- test heavily Either set up a new common IDP or use one of the existing instances.
- Migrate HSPC Sandbox to the new IDP.
- Need help from Travis with this one ... Hopefully some combination of adding the IDP configuration and migrating existing user accounts.
- Enable AWS to support SSO login.
- Update AWS IAM group policies
- SAML probably
- Remove unneeded users
- Account for lock-out situations (since Gluu is hosted on AWS)
- Reconfigure the WEBSITE to use the IDP in additional to local authentication.
- Evaluate and install membership management plugin(s), such as MemberPress.
- Add IDP configuration
- Possibly relocate hosting situation
- Add MSP support and configure applicable hooks to IDP
- Migrate Marketplace to the new IDP
- Probably disable the Google and Microsoft login options.
- Re-authorize existing accounts
- Configure terminology servers to support authenticated and authorized access.
- Ontoserver
- Document all this