<name of refset>
Purpose of Refset
<describe in words what the refset will be used for>This refset is to record and retrieve data related to exudate odor.
Examples of what to include
<Provide examples of content that would be included in this refset>"Offensive wound odor"
Examples of what to exclude
<Provide examples of content that should not be in this refset>Do not include mentions of presence or absence.
Zero or one OR Zero or more
<Is there no more than one value from the refset that can be selected? or Are there more than one? e.g. ethnicity>
Editorial Guidelines
<Describe any Editorial Guidelines that are needed for this refset
e.g. concept One summary odor should be sufficient to record; i.e. this refset is a 'zero-or-one' refset.
Editorial Guidelines
Concept should not indicate presence or absence just describe the phenomena that is being measured>odor.
Similar Refsets
<List similar existing refsets and either explain why they are different or consider consolidation and/or VSAC value sets>
Associated Clinical Quality Measures