Identification of health factors and/or other data points for conversion to ANF statement – Health statement – Health Factors should be grouped into categories that group together common documentation (i.e. allergy review, pressure injury assessment, admission screening). Once grouped together, health factors should then be approached in groups to produce ANF statements.
Dissemination/chunking of health factors to specify different data points – Once points – Once the health factors are grouped together, each health factor should be disseminated further into separate data points, or “chunks.”
Team members deconstruct prioritized health factors by logical topic
Team members discuss and record their rationale for their deconstructions
Conversion of chunks/data points into ANF statement -statement – Dissemination of health factors into chunks allows those translating health factors into ANF statements to more easily identify the separate chunks of the health factor to appropriately convert to a health factor. Depending on the properties of the chunk, each chunk will only be categorized into appropriate categories of the ANF statements.
Team members select deconstructed health factors to adapt to ANF fields
Team members discuss and record their rationale for selecting specific health factors to adapt to ANF fields
Team members adapt selected deconstructed health factors to ANF fields
Team members discuss and record their rationale for their ANF adaptations
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