FEB 29 - MAR 4, 2016 in Las Vegas, NV
HiMSS Conference Official Website
Functionality Demonstrated at HiMSS 2015
- Applications that write data using FHIR
- Support for back-end service new security profiles by EHR platforms
- Applications the respond to events published by the EHR Platform
- An example AppStore and potentially an open AppStore specification
P = Planned, X = Done, ? = Undecided/Outstanding Questions
App ideas for 2016 (list used to decompose apps to proposed platform features, not an HSPC sponsored list of apps).
Branding, Marketing & Presence
- Will HSPC have a booth?
- What booths will HSPC have presence in?
- What will we produce/place in the booth to indicate our presence?
- Will we handout a map and informational pamphlet?
- What is the communication plan leading up to HiMSS?
- MailChimp Campaigns
- What about a postal campaign?
- What about swag?
HSPC Membership
- What will we do to track interest and convert to members?
Use Cases Group Information
- Do we want to present anything about the use cases we are collaborating in?
- What does that look like?
HSPC as a Collaboration Agent
- Do we want to present the collaborative programs part of our organization?
- Can we use this as a way to attract collaborators and potential projects?
What else?
Action Items
- Rick to build out the information spreadsheet.