FEB 29 - MAR 4, 2016 in Las Vegas, NV
HiMSS Conference Official Website
Functionality Demonstrated at HiMSS 2015
- Will HSPC have a booth?
- 10/2: Booth space is at a premium, and very expensive - consider for 2017
- What booths will HSPC have presence in?
- 10/2: Recommend immediate coordination with exhibiting HSPC "partners" to allow presence - both Exhibit hall and Showcase
- What will we produce/place in the booth to indicate our presence?
- Will we handout a map and informational pamphlet?
- What is the communication plan leading up to HiMSS?
- MailChimp Campaigns
- What about a postal campaign?
- What about swag?
- Speech submission deadlines.
- 10/2: Presentation (Call For Papers) closed out in early 20015. However, Showcase theater space/time slots may be available
- Booth deadlines
- Interoperability Showcase?
- 10/2: MUST BE RESOLVED IMMEDIATELY - DUE DATE 10/9. Recommend contacting showcase partners and discussing use cases and participation.
Action Items
- 10/2: Go/No Go decision recommended by 10/15. 8:
- Review HIMSS Showcase contract terms and conditions (Jim St.Clair to pursue)
- Develop use case and technology plan
- Contact participating partners
- Determine viability to participate
- decision/contract execution OR alternate plan for 2016
View file name HIMSS16 Interoperability Showcase Contract 2015 Sep 30 pdf.pdf height 250
- Rick to build out the information spreadsheet.