This processor implements the expected behavior of Client.cancelMessage() operation. This processor retrieves the messageId from the incoming FlowFile, retrieves the related message from UCSControllerService and performs the following operations:
1.- If there is no message in UCSControllerService with the specified id, the processor will route the incoming FlowFile to a REL_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE relationship.
2.- If the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is not an AlertMessage, the processor will route the incoming FlowFile to a BAD_MESSAGE relationship.
3.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is already "Retracted", a new FlowFile containing the FlowFile message will be directed to a REL_NO_UPDATE relationship.
4.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is "Pending", the alertStatus value is changed to "Retracted" and a new FlowFile with the serialized message will be directed to a REL_CANCELLED relationship.
5.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is other than "Pending" or "Retracted", the original FlowFile will be directed to a REL_INVALID_STATE relationship.