Naming Convention
The "-HF[hotfix]" tag is optional, depending on whether or not a hotfix was added to the release.
e.g. 1.0.12, 1.0.12-HF2, 1.1.0, 1.1.0-HF1
- If we pull from Release(Master) to Dev (Snapshot), we increment either [major] or [minor].
- Maven/Jenkins adds the "-SNAPSHOT" tag to snapshot builds.
- Adds the "-RELEASE" tag to new releases.
- If we pull from Dev (Snapshot) to Feature Set (Nightly), we increment [incremental].
- If we pull from Feature Set (Nightly) to Features, we increment [incremental].
- If we pull from Release(Master) to Hotfix, we add the "-HF" tag and increment [hotfix].
- Adding a hotfix does not change the name/version of the release.
e.g. If we have version 1.1.2 released as 1.1.2-RELEASE and we add a hotfix, the version will become 1.1.2-HF1, but the release will still be 1.1.2-RELEASE.
- Adding a hotfix does not change the name/version of the release.