Former user
Saved on Jul 26, 2014
Saved on Jan 09, 2015
{ "statusFact":{ "success":true } }
This operation is used to fetch all available Devices with associated Assignments for a given workspace id.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/workspaces/{workspace}/getDevices
Request Type: GET
{"data":[{"workspaceId":"ne_nursery","assignment":"podg","model":"Nexus 5","status":"ACTIVE","stockNumber":4,"imei":"Cognitive-106","serialNumber":"04a4edd425230a17","macAddress":"cc:fa:00:ab:1e:bd"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}}
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_devices' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".