- If the server does not already have the directory /opt/java then create one (sudo mkdir /opt/java). change change to this directory - cd /opt/java
- Download the version of java appropriate for this version of linux (e.g. x86_64). The version of linux can be determined by running uname -a from the command line.
Oracle requires that you have accepted the license before you download the tar.gz file. This can be problematic for wget. Following is the command to run the download. Go to the Oracle Java download site, click on the accept license button, select the JDK version for this machine and copy the link. Replace the link in the following command with the one you have copied:wget --no-cookies \
--no-check-certificate \
--header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" \
- Once the file has completed downloading untar the java distribution and delete the tar file ( sudo tar cxf jdk-7u55-linux-x64.tar.gz ).
- If the directory, /opt/java, did not exist create a "current" symlink to the new java directory (e.g. sudo ln -s jdk-7u55-linux-x64 current). If the directory, /opt/java, did exist and the link, current, was already there then you will need to sudo unlink current before linking it again. NOTE: The reason for symlinking the directory is so any references to the current java installation (e.g. $JAVA_HOME, /etc/profile.d/java.sh...) do not have to be updated. This simplifies maintenance.
- If the server does not already have a directory, /opt/apache-tomcat, then create one (sudo mkdir /opt/apache-tomcat) and download the tomcat installation to this directory. Be sure to check the sha1 or md5 hash on the download site is the same as for the downloaded tomcat file (e.g. openssl dgst -md5 apache-tomcat-7.0.xx.ziptar.gz).
- Untar the tomcat distribution and delete the tar file (sudo tar cxf apache-tomcat-7.0.xx.tar.zipgz).
- If the directory, /opt/apache-tomcat, did not exist create a "current" symlink to the new tomcat server directory (e.g. sudo ln -s apache-tomcat-7.0.xx current). If the directory, /opt/apache-tomcat, did exist and the link, current, was already there then you will need to sudo unlink current before linking it again. NOTE: The reason for symlinking the directory is so any references to the current tomcat server (e.g. $CATALINA_HOME, /etc/init.d/tomcat7...) do not have to be updated. This simplifies maintenance.
- This concludes the steps necessary to install or update the version of Tomcat. Please see Tomcat configuration for steps required to configure Tomcat.
- To enforce running Tomcat only as tomcat user add the following to the top of $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh - e.g. vi $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh
# Detect whether the correct user, tomcat, is running the scriptif [ "$(whoami)" != "tomcat" ] ; then
echo ""
echo "Tomcat should ONLY be run by user tomcat !!!!!"
echo "try sudo service tomcat start"
echo ""
exit 1
This will ensure even if someone tries to start Tomcat as a user other than tomcat (e.g. sudo bin/startup.sh) they will receive an error and and instructions on how to correctly start the server.
- To enforce running Tomcat only as tomcat user add the following to the top of $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh - e.g. vi $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh
- The following directive needs to be added to server.xml - place it with the other listeners.
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JmxRemoteLifecycleListener"
rmiRegistryPortPlatform rmiRegistryPortPlatform="9090" rmiServerPortPlatform="9091" />
- This will start the JMX server on port 9090 and the listenback on 9091 (change if needed).
- An additional library, catalina-jmx-remote.jar, needs to be downloaded from the Apache Tomcat Download Extras site (e.g. http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi) and placed in $CATALINA_HOME/lib
- Once these steps are completed and those of setenv.sh, JMX will be enabled.
- In order to use access JMX two files need to be created in $CATALINA_HOME/conf They are jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password. Click on the attached files to copy the contents to the appropriate file contents to the respective file you create in $CATALINA_HOME/conf (e.g. sudo vi $CATALINA_HOME/conf/jmxremote.access ). Change the values in the files as appropriate.
- The following directive needs to be added to server.xml - place it with the other listeners.
- First create the directories - sudo mkdir -p $CATALINA_HOME/shared/classes - sudo mkdir $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib
- Now configure the class loader by appending the following code to the line beginning with common.loader... in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/catalina.properties
- Once completed properties files, resource bundles, SpringConfigurator.xml files and shared libraries (e.g. Junit.jar, mysql-connector-java-5.x.xxx.jar) ...etc. can be found on the classpath by any application.