This describes the installation and configuration for a Tomcat server running on a Linux platform and how to download install/update the Java version. Windows installations can apply these configurations in a similar manner. If you are unable to complete any of these steps because the command does not exist (e.g. service tomcat7 tomcat8 start, openssl dgst -md5 then please contact SysAdmin for assistance.
- Following are some reasonable defaults to run Tomcat under. They include setting memory constraints, modest increase of PermGen so redeploying applications does not cause OutOfMemoryError PermGen space errors, Java7 Java GC and JMX file settings. We encourage use of JMX because it is a standard we increasingly use for runtime monitoring and configuration and many applications now depend on JMX to run correctly. Some of the settings will require editing to reflect your environment (e.g.
- The following settings also define paths for "endorsed" lib and bin directories. If you are unsure what these are for you probably don't need them but they should be configured in case they are needed.
- If your current $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ does not have then you will need to create it - sudo vi $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ This file is read by if it exists. Copy/save into this file the following lines changing those configuration items that are different for your system (e.g.
- The following directive needs to be added to server.xml - place it with the other listeners.
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JmxRemoteLifecycleListener" rmiRegistryPortPlatform="9090" rmiServerPortPlatform="9091" />
- This will start the JMX server on port 9090 and the listenback on 9091 (change if needed).
- An additional library, catalina-jmx-remote.jar, needs to be downloaded from the Apache Tomcat Download Extras site (e.g. and placed in $CATALINA_HOME/lib. Try this command to download the required library: sudo wget
- Once these steps are completed and those of, JMX will be enabled.
- In order to access JMX two files need to be created in $CATALINA_HOME/conf They are jmxremjmxremote.accessote.access and jmxremote.password. Click on the attached files to copy the contents to the appropriate file contents to the respective file you create in $CATALINA_HOME/conf (e.g. sudo vi $CATALINA_HOME/conf/jmxremote.access ). Change the values in the files as appropriate.
- The following directive needs to be added to server.xml - place it with the other listeners.