August HSPC Meeting
August 21-22, 2014
Institute for Electronic Government Briefing Center
600 14th Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington DC
List of nearby hotels to come...
Proposed Agenda
Time | Subject | Facilitator |
Welcome and Introductions
| Stan Huff | |
Modeling session follow-up (full day) |
| Grahame Grieve |
SOA infrastructure more complex use cases and orchestration (half day, or full day depending on who comes and how much pre-work we can do) |
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Identify core services that we need (what do we need now and in the near future) – Marc Overhage ??
| Marc Overhage?? | |
Sandboxes – Bob Greenes, Oscar Diaz (1 hour)
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Clinical use cases |
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Governance and business entity – Stan and Oscar (one session) | ||
Venture capital, other funding sources | Oscar Diaz | |
Coordination with other activities
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes
Action items