Time | Subject | Facilitator |
8:30am | Welcome and Introductions - About HSPC and its mission
- Objective of the two days
- Review July 7-8, 2014 HSPC Meetings in Salt Lake City, UT
- Ground rules, assumptions, logistics
- Review of the Policy Session
| Stan Huff |
9:00am | Coordination with other activities - How to work together
- Center for Medical Interoperability
- Government activities
- Relationship to other Standards groups
- S&I Framework
- VA work (Keith Campbell)
- HL7
- More...
- Etc.
| Stan Huff |
9:45am | Healthcare Providers Panel: Our vision for the HSPC | John Couk (Unlicensed) Jonathan Nebeker Craig Parker, MD Stan Huff |
11:00am | Break | |
11:15am | Driving Use Case for HSPC and Implications for Terminology Services Followed by discussion | Jonathan Nebeker Marc Overhage Craig Parker, MD |
12:15pm | Lunch | |
1:00pm (Concurrent Track) | Clinical Use Cases Break-out SessionHamilton Square, 3rd FloorTeleconference: 888-426-6840#,, PC: 6486551 WebEx Meeting Number: 620 818 456 Go to https://intermountainmeetings.webex.com/intermountainmeetings/e.php?AT=MI&EventID=327907002&UID=2069500157&RT=MiM2 ------------------------------------------------------- To join the AUDIO portion of the meeting ------------------------------------------------------- Option 1- DIAL OUT Provide your phone number in the web portion of the meeting to have WebEx call you. Option 2- DIAL IN Call one of the following numbers: (Local) 801-442-6800 (Toll Free) 1-866-713-7506 Enter the Meeting ID: 620 818 456 followed by the (#) pound sign - Describe a good process for how use cases drive modeling and terminology work
- First applications that someone wants to build
- Priorities for models
- Priorities for services
- Use cases for the more complex applications
- Articulate one or more specific use cases that we want to enable that are more complex and show the value of
- Leverage infrastructure to support Clinical Effectiveness Research
- Registries as a possible use case for HSPC services
- Surgery
- Cancer
- Immunizations
- More...
| Craig Parker, MD RobertG (Unlicensed) Jonathan Nebeker Laura Heermann |
1:00pm (Concurrent Track) | Modeling & Terminology Break-out SessionHamilton Square, 2nd Floor, Small Conference Room WebEx Meeting Number: 625 649 641 Go to https://intermountainmeetings.webex.com/intermountainmeetings/j.php?MTID=me23ad2348170daae89d0c395ba70b218
Option 1- DIAL OUT Provide your phone number in the web portion of the meeting to have WebEx call you.
Option 2- DIAL IN Call one of the following numbers: (Local) 801-442-6800 (Toll Free) 1-866-713-7506
Enter the Meeting ID: 625 649 641 followed by the (#) pound sign - Process for creating model & terminology content at scale
- Logical model to FHIR profile mapping
- Value sets and terminology resources
- Determine how to set up a working terminology system
| Stan Huff Grahame Grieve Tom Oniki |
1:00pm (Concurrent Track) | Hamilton Square, 2nd Floor, Large Conference Room Teleconference: 888-426-6840#,, PC: 76259122 | RobertG (Unlicensed) Rick Freeman Marc Overhage Oscar Diaz Scot Post van der Burg (Unlicensed) Aaron Drew
4:30pm | Report out of break out sessions. | Stan Huff |
5:30pm | End Meeting | |