August HSPC Meeting
August 21-22, 2014
Institute for Electronic Government Briefing Center
600 14th Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington DC
Teleconference: 888-426-6840#,, PC: 76259122
- Stan Huff to notify group when business entity officially created (Talk to Eileen or Rick about sending our an official note)
- Stan Huff convene temporary board
- Approve bylaws and membership agreements
- Begin enrolling members
- Determine decision rights and decision process and voting process Oscar Diaz, Mike Henderson, Sue Jimenez, Rick Freeman, Tom Oniki
- Rick Freeman Create a project plan and road map (release schedule) for the technical specification development.
- Rick Freeman Convene Sandbox discussions: RobertG (Unlicensed), Herb White (Unlicensed), Aziz Botswala, Scott Whyte, Oscar Diaz, Julio Facelli (Unlicensed), Ajay Asthana (Unlicensed)
- Oscar Diaz Convene business arm Work Group
- Eileen Rivera (Unlicensed) Rick Freeman Convene External Communications Committee
- Rick Freeman Convene HiMSS planning committee