GHX has been doing a lot of work to do vetting non-traditional suppliers because traditional suppliers are maxed out in terms of capacity (Karen C)
C19HCC has been working on this use case-- could collaborate with this group (which is more focused on inpatient) https://www.ghx.com/covid-19/updates/managing-critical-supply-shortages/
Jodi- will follow up with the Vizient team to investigate linkages
This is an example of a state-level effort. North Carolina Government offers support to coordinate PPE. Here is a link to their key document: https://files.nc.gov/ncdhhs/documents/files/covid-19/Guidelines-for-Allocation-of-Personal-Protective-Equipment-PPE.pdf
Link to the AHA/AHRMM work oni non-traditional suppliers https://www.ahrmm.org/covid-19-resources-non-traditional-suppliers-offering-ppe-and-other-critical-supplies
Diego A Martinez, Jiarui Cai, Jimi B Oke, Andrew S Jarrell, Felipe Feijoo ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocaa033, https://doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocaa033
Published: 26 April 2020
Testing CDS?-- retesting, antibody testing, tracing