Acute respiratory infection | 195647007 |Acute respiratory infection (disorder)| |
Acute respiratory distress | 373895009 |Acute respiratory distress (finding)| |
Respiratory failure | 409622000 |Respiratory failure (disorder)| |
Optional adjustment. If it is felt that the existing concept is logically the correct one but the terming is suboptimal the fix could be to add a synonym to the existing concept for VA use.
Acute respiratory arrest | 87317003 |Respiratory arrest (disorder)| |
In-depth adjustment or an identified gap.
Chronic lung condition | << 413839001 |Chronic lung disease (disorder)| | The existing SNOMED concept is not correctly modeled and it is not subsuming correctly. E.g. it does not subsume 13645005 |Chronic obstructive lung disease (disorder)|. See attached screen shot below. |
13645005 |Chronic obstructive lung disease (disorder)| | sibling to 413839001 | |
<< 195967001 |Asthma (disorder)| | Not defined as "chronic" in SNOMED | |
195949008 |Chronic asthmatic bronchitis (disorder)| | maybe? Subtype of 63480004 | |
<< 63480004 |Chronic bronchitis (disorder)| |
The optimal process to fix this error would be to fix it locally for the immediate benefit of the VA. Then there would need to be a submission of the change request to the US National Release Center (NRC). The US NRC would evaluate the request as to whether it is applicable to only the US or if it is an issue for the International core of SNOMED. If the US NRC determined that this was an issue for the International core they would then forward the request to the International staff for consideration. Acknowledging that there is limited bandwidth at both the US and International level for authoring, the request may not make the next 6-month Release cycle. This request has been submitted to the US Content Request Service for evaluation (Request ID: 349742, Jira Ticket ID: USCRS-31022).
The process would be the same for a noted gap in variables, it would be authored locally for the VA and US National Release and forwarded to SNOMED International for consideration.
Chronic asthma | << 195967001 |Asthma (disorder)| | In SNOMED “asthma” is not defined as "chronic". A new concept would need to be added to represent this condition. |