Send an Alert Message and cancel it
Alerts timeout and escalation
Even if there is no technical limitation, Alert Messages are not designed to support responses. The purpose of an alert is to notify a set of recipients and, most of the times, to expect an ACK from the recipients. In the context of an Alert, then, what determines the timeout/escalation is not the absence of a response, but the alertStatus of the Alert Message.
If, when the timeout period is reached, the status of the Alert Message is not "Acknowledged", the escalation mechanism should be triggered.
Alerting Interface Design
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This implementation will only diff the alertStatus property of the messages. |
UPDATE: NiFi UCSAlertingUpdateAlertMessage processor will only take as input parameters the id and new status of the message to be updated. Receiving an entire message as input made things complicated - and error prone - to the mechanism we currently have in place to process commands. This implementation also makes more clear what the intention of the processor is. The impedance between what UCS specification stands for Alerting.updateMessage() and the way NiFi implements it will be hidden behind the concrete implementation of ucs-nifi-api.
The way the status of an Alert Message is processed is this:
1.- If the alertStatus property of the original alert message in UCS is other than "Pending" or "Acknowledged", the processor will fail. The incoming flowfile is redirected to REL_STATUS_MISSMATCH (using UCSCreateException.routeFlowFileToException())
2.- If the alertStatus property of the new alert message is other than "Acknowledged", the processor will fail. The incoming flowfile is redirected to REL_STATUS_MISSMATCH (using UCSCreateException.routeFlowFileToException())
3.- If the alertStatus property of the new message is different than the alertStatus property of the original message, the property in the original message is updated. Use REL_SUCCESS. The message is updated in UCSControllerService by invoking updateMessage().
4.- If the alertStatus property of the new message is equals to the alertStatus property of the original message, the flowfile will be directed to a REL_NO_UPDATE relationship.
This processor implements the expected behavior of Client.cancelMessage() operation. This processor retrieves the messageId from the incoming FlowFile, retrieves the related message from UCSControllerService and performs the following operations:
1.- If there is no message in UCSControllerService with the specified id, the processor will route the incoming FlowFile to a REL_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE relationship.
2.- If the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is not an AlertMessage, the processor will route the incoming FlowFile to a BAD_MESSAGE relationship.
3.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is already "Retracted", a new FlowFile containing the FlowFile message will be directed to a REL_NO_UPDATE relationship.
4.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is "Pending", the alertStatus value is changed to "Retracted" and a new FlowFile with the serialized message will be directed to a REL_CANCELLED relationship.
5.- If the alertStatus property of the message in UCSControllerService with the specified id is other than "Pending" or "Retracted", the original FlowFile will be directed to a REL_INVALID_STATE relationship.
Alerts timeout and escalation
Given that the current implementation ACKs an Alert Message as soon as the first recipient ACKs it, there is only one escalation possibility: onNoResponseAll.
When an Alert Message is persisted - UCSPersistMessage processor - a new cron job needs to be scheduled if the message fulfils the following requirements:
1.- The Message is an AlertMessage instance
2.- The respondBy property of the message's header is > 0
3.- The receiptNotification property of the message's header is true
The cron job that gets scheduled implements the following logic:
1.- If the alertStatus property of message if "Acknowledged", "Retracted" or "Expired", the cron job ends silently.
2.- If the alertStatus property of the message is "Pending", any Message present in onNoResponseAll list is notified to UCSControllerService.notifyAboutMessageWithResponseTimeout(). The timeOutReason of the generated TimedOutMessage is NO_RESPONSES.