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Meeting Details

Dates: August 12-13, 2015


5000 State St, Murray, UT 84107

Map & Hotels


  • Wednesday (HSPCLogica)
    The meeting will give an opportunity to work collaboratively on the reference architecture, reviewing the state of affairs, aligning it with the known use cases and ensuring appropriate synergy with the partner modeling and standardization endeavors.
    The morning will focus on the architecture specification roadmap, discussing its next iteration, to be presented to the broader audience during the general meeting in September.  
    The afternoon will focus specifically on "logical models" designed for SME-oriented applications, discussing the integration of CIMI-driven FHIR profiles in the HSPC the Logica service stack and applications, along with complementary technologies required to enable them.

    • Review the roadmap for the HSPC the Logica architecture specification 
    • Have the major use cases inform the priorities for the development of the architecture
  • Thursday (HSPCLogica)
    The day will host two parallel sessions, with the overall goal to inform the next 3-6 months of specification, architecting, implementation and integration of the services required by applications consuming semantically enriched data.
    The first breakout group will continue working on the specification/architecting session of the Wednesday afternoon; the second will explore the challenges of implementing logical models and profiles within services and applications

    • Provide an initial specification for a set of profile-oriented services, exposing functionalities required by the HSPC the Logica use cases
    • Discuss best practices for the use of structural and semantic specifications within services and applications
    • Define a roadmap for the integration of FHIR/CIMI models within HSPC within Logica applications
  • Wed/Thu - Parallel Tracks
    Strategically related topics such as HSPC as Logica vision, conformance/compliance, testing, local “sandbox” deployments and community engagement will also be in scope, as participants see fit to discuss. 


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

(see below) 
8:30 amWelcome & Meeting IntroductionStan Huff  

9:00 amRecap FHIR & CIMI MeetingsStan HuffSummary and outcomes of the Mon-Tue discussions2015.2.1: August 2015 Joint CIMI, HSPCLogica, & FHIR Meeting - Salt Lake City, UTUT#Logica - All
10:00 amBreak   

10:15 amArchitectural Overview & RoadmapDavide Sottara & Rick FreemanReview current specification, next steps and discuss alignment with use cases2015.2.1: August 2015 Joint CIMI, HSPCLogica, & FHIR Meeting - Salt Lake City, UTUT#Logica - KA
12:00 pmLunch   

1:00 pmCapabilities Required to Make Use of FHIR ProfilesDavide SottaraDiscuss use cases, requirements, service specifications and possible
implementations to enable logical models
2015.2.1: August 2015 Joint CIMI, HSPCLogica, & FHIR Meeting - Salt Lake City, UTUT#Logica - Tech
5:00 pmMeeting concludes for the dayOscar Diaz  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

(see below) 
8:30 amRecap of WednesdayDavide Sottara 

9:30 amBreakout 1 : Profile service specification discussionCraig ParkerContinue Wednesday afternoon discussion2015.2.1: August 2015 Joint CIMI, HSPCLogica, & FHIR Meeting - Salt Lake City, UTUT#Logica - Tech
9:30 amBreakout 2 : Implementation Exercise/ConnectathonRick FreemanConvert an existing application to make use of an HSPC an Logica FHIR Profile.2015.2.1: August 2015 Joint CIMI, HSPCLogica, & FHIR Meeting - Salt Lake City, UTUT#Logica - Dev
12:00 pmLunch   

1:00 pmContinue breakouts   

3:00 pmReconvene to discuss breakout outcomes. 
Share lessons learned, thoughts, ideas, etc. 
4:30 pmMeeting review and next stepsDavide, Stan, Oscar  

5:00 pmMeeting concludes   

Presentation Materials


Session Details

  • Anchor
    HSPC - All
    HSPC - All
    HSPC Logica - All : Common Session 
    The goal of the session is to set the basis for the alignment of the top-down, use case and community driven approach and the technical and modeling endeavors, in particular with respect to the FHIR and CIMI roadmaps discussed in the previous two days.

    • State of affairs and goals discussion 
      • FHIR / CIMI discussion report
        Summary of the previous two days : FHIR and CIMI roadmaps, strategies for integration, relationship to HSPCLogica.
      • Main Use cases review
        Report on the articulation of the functional needs and the strategic value of the peri-op, neonatal and care coordination endeavors. Summary of other relevant use cases and applications.

  • Anchor
    HSPC - KA
    HSPC - KA
    HSPC Logica - KA
    : Reference Knowledge Architecture Draft review
    • Review current HSPC current Logica architectural specification
      Presenter: Rick Freeman
    • Review work in progress on the long term, envisioned HSPC envisioned Logica architecture specification
      Presenter: Davide Sottara
      • Architecture roadmap
        Secure EHR integration. Resource vs Event vs Service Orientation.
      • Services roadmap
        Key functionalities to be provided, SOA governance, Development activities.
      • Standards roadmap
        Adopted standards, Gaps, Opportunities, Options/Needs for SDO engagement    
      • Content roadmap
        Authoring and Tooling, Distribution of existing content, Adoption  
    • Alignment with use cases
      • Prioritization
        Ensure the architecture enables the use-case driven needs

  • Anchor
    HSPC - Tech
    HSPC - Tech
    HSPC Logica - Tech : Technical / Architectural Session
    While the HSPC the Logica specification roadmap has a broad scope, the main session of the meeting will focus on the role of semantically rich logical data models in a standard-driven data abstraction layer.
    To be clinically meaningful, data should reflect, in shape and content, the semantics carried by the logical models. Functionalities should be provided to instantiate, transform, classify and validate resources.


  • Anchor
    HSPC - Dev
    HSPC - Dev
    HSPC Logica - Dev : Development Session
    The functional and design requirements resulting from the architectural working session should be taken to the next level of detail, discussing implementation options.
    The goal of this session is to ensure that detailed, logical models can be effectively used in an HSPC an Logica application, simplify its development and ultimately add value. 
    Emerging gaps and lessons learned should inform the architecture and its roadmap.  

    • Implementing logical model-driven applications

      • Retrieve and validate profile-compliant data
      • Use profile-compliant logical resources for business logic development
    • Installing HSPC Installing Logica profiles in a FHIR server
    • Implementing conformance services

  • Anchor
    HSPC - Gov
    HSPC - Gov
    HSPC Logica - Gov : Governance and Management Session
    Despite the focused nature of this meeting, a face to face session should help prepare material to relate and discuss during the next plenary meeting in September.
    Potential* topics to be discussed include:

    • Technical Committee(s) Organization  
      Moderator : Matt Burton ?
      Architecture committee vs Development committee : Follow up on the ongoing discussions re. the internal HSPC internal Logica structure  
    • Integration, Testing and Certification process
      Moderator : Mario Hyland?
      How to contribute and be endorsed  
    • Sandboxes and local installations
      Moderator : ?
      Opportunities for R&D, contributions, app development
    • Support strategies
      Moderator : Chris Sadvary 
      Lifecycle, PaaS opportunities, multi-tenancy, potential players, engagement models

* The breakouts in HSPCLogica-Gov will take place based on interest and availability of participants

