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Drools Planner (aka Optaplanner)

Drools planner is a planning engine that optimizes planning problems. It combines optimization heuristics and metaheuristics with very efficient score calculation.

What is a planning problem?

  • NP-Complete: any given solution to can be verified quickly (in polynomial time) but there is no known efficient way to locate a solution in the first place.
  • Has Constraints: Negative Hard Constraints (Must not be broken by a solution); Negative/Positive Soft Constraints (Could be broken by a solution).
  • Huge Search space

Domain Model

Planning Entity: class(es) that changes during the planning.
Planning Variable: The properties that change during planning. The set of possible values must be provided. 2 different approaches:

  • Values come from Solution: shared by all the Planning Entities in the problem.
  • Values come from Planning Entity property: The possible values are different for each Planning Entity.

Problem Fact: entities that don't change during planning but that are used to calculate moves and/or score.
Solution: data set containing all the planning entities.
Move: change (or set of changes) from a Solution A to a Solution B. (Not sure if it is mandatory to define these).

For the calculation of the score, Planner uses Drools.


Class Diagram


Problem Facts

The following is the list of Problem Facts:

  • Patient
  • Provider (and all its sub-classes)
  • Severity (Patient's PTSD Severity: MILD, MEDIUM or SEVERE)
  • VisitDate


The number and type of Providers and Patients is fixed in the application:

--- Patient list : -------------------------------------------------------------

Patient{id='0', name='patient 0', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=true, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MEDIUM}
Patient{id='1', name='patient 1', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=true, onGroup=false, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=SEVERE}
Patient{id='2', name='patient 2', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=true, onGroup=true, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MILD}
Patient{id='3', name='patient 3', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=true, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MILD}
Patient{id='4', name='patient 4', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=true, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MILD}
Patient{id='5', name='patient 5', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=true, onGroup=false, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MEDIUM}
Patient{id='6', name='patient 6', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=false, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=SEVERE}
Patient{id='7', name='patient 7', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=false, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MEDIUM}
Patient{id='8', name='patient 8', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=false, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MEDIUM}
Patient{id='9', name='patient 9', onTheraphy=true, onMedication=false, onGroup=true, onSocial=true, onActiveCareFromWeek=1, personalTherapist=null, personalMedic=null, personalAssistant=null, personalTeamLeader=null, severity=MILD}
--- Provider list : -------------------------------------------------------------

THERAPIST {id='T0', name='Dr. 0'}
THERAPIST {id='T1', name='Dr. 1'}
THERAPIST {id='T2', name='Dr. 2'}
THERAPIST {id='T3', name='Dr. 3'}
PSYCHIATRIST {id='X0', name='Dr. 0, MD'}
PSYCHIATRIST {id='X1', name='Dr. 1, MD'}
PSYCHIATRIST {id='X2', name='Dr. 2, MD'}
PSYCHIATRIST {id='X3', name='Dr. 3, MD'}
SOCIALWORKER {id='S0', name='Mr. 0'}
SOCIALWORKER {id='S1', name='Mr. 1'}
SOCIALWORKER {id='S2', name='Mr. 2'}
SOCIALWORKER {id='S3', name='Mr. 3'}

The different providers associated to a Patient are never set by planner!

Planning Entity

Only 1 planning Entity is defined: Visit.
The current implementation starts with a predefined set of Visits for each Patient. The number and type of Visits depends on the Patient's severity:

  • MILD: 12 THERAPY, 4 COUNSELLING, 0 or 4 MEDICATION (randomly selected), 0 or 6 GROUP (randomly selected).
  • MEDIUM: 20 THERAPY, 6 COUNSELLING, 0 or 6 MEDICATION (randomly selected), 0 or 6 GROUP (randomly selected).
  • SEVERE: 30 THERAPY, 7 COUNSELLING, 0 or 7 MEDICATION (randomly selected), 0 or 6 GROUP (randomly selected).

As we can see, the Type and Patient of a Visit are fixed and never change during the planning.
The planning variables in this case are VisitDate and Provider.


VisitDateChangeMoveFactory: Creates all the possible combinations of Visits and Dates.
VisitTimeSwapMoveFactory: Creates a permutation of all the Visits to swap their Dates. (It is not clear to me if all these moves are not already included in the previous factory)
AssignCareProviderMoveFactory: Creates a combination of all the Providers for the different Visits.

Constraints Examples

Hard Constraints


rule "PTSD therapy must be provided either by a Therapist (non-MD) or a Psychiatrist (MD)"
salience 10
    $vis : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, $pro : provider)
    Provider( this == $pro, role != ProviderRole.THERAPIST && != ProviderRole.PSYCHIATRIST )
    insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(), ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 1, $vis, $pro ) );
rule "Therapy sessions must be scheduled regularly"
    $vis : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date : date != null, $expectedWeek : expectedWeek > 0,
    $actualWeek : date.weekIndex, date.weekIndex != $expectedWeek )
    insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(), ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 10, $vis ) );
rule "A patient getting Group Therapy should receive 6 sessions total @ 1/wk"
    $vis1 : Visit( type == VisitType.GROUP, $date1 : date != null, $seqNum : seqNum, $pat : patient,
    $onWeek : date.weekIndex )
    $vis2 : Visit( this != $vis1, type == VisitType.GROUP, $date2 : date != null, patient == $pat, seqNum == $seqNum + 1,
                   $nextWeek : date.weekIndex, date.weekIndex != $onWeek + 1 )
    insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(), ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 10, $vis1, $vis2 ) );
rule "No two therapy visits on the same day in the same week (for severe cases)"
    $vis1 : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date1 : date != null, $pro : provider, $pat : patient,
    $onWeek : date.weekIndex, $onDay : date.dayIndex )
    $vis2 : Visit( this != $vis1, type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date2 : date != null, provider == $pro, patient == $pat,
                   date.weekIndex == $onWeek, date.dayIndex == $onDay )
    insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(), ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 1, $vis1, $vis2 ) );
rule "Therapist and Psychiatrists can see a maximum of 8 PTSD therapy patients a week"
    $bus : BusyWeek( $pro : provider, $week : weekIndex )
    accumulate ( $vis : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, provider == $pro, $date : date != null,
                 date.weekIndex == $week ),
                 $num : count( $vis );
                 $num > 8 )
    insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(), ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 1, $bus ) );


Soft Constraints

rule "Patient should see the same provider"
$vis1 : Visit( $type : type, $pro : provider != null, $pat : patient )
$vis2 : Visit( this != $vis1, $date2 : date != null, type == $type,
patient == $pat, provider != null, provider != $pro )
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(),
$vis2 ) );

rule "Therapy sessions should be scheduled at the same day and time over weeks"
$vis1 : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date1 : date != null, $pro : provider, $pat : patient,
$onWeek : date.weekIndex, $onDay : date.dayIndex, $morn : date.morning )
$vis2 : Visit( this != $vis1, type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date2 : date != null, provider == $pro, patient == $pat,
date.weekIndex != $onWeek, date.dayIndex != $onDay || date.morning != $morn )
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(),
$vis2 ) );

rule "a patient being seen for Group Therapy should not have their session on the same day as Individual therapy"
$vis1 : Visit( type == VisitType.GROUP, $date1 : date != null, $pat : patient,
$onWeek : date.weekIndex, $onDay : date.dayIndex )
$vis2 : Visit( type == VisitType.THERAPY, $date2 : date != null, patient == $pat,
date.weekIndex == $onWeek, date.dayIndex == $onDay )
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence( drools.getRule().getName(),
$vis2 ) );

Initial State Sample vs. Final State Sample

Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 1 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 2 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 3 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 4 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 5 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 6 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=7, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=7, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 7 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=8, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=8, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 8 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=9, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=9, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 9 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=10, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=10, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 10 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=11, expWeek=11, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=11, expWeek=11, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 11 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=12, expWeek=12, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=12, expWeek=12, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 12 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=13, expWeek=13, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=13, expWeek=13, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 13 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=14, expWeek=14, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=14, expWeek=14, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 14 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=15, expWeek=15, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=15, expWeek=15, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 15 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=16, expWeek=17, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=16, expWeek=17, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 17 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=17, expWeek=19, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=17, expWeek=19, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 19 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=18, expWeek=21, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=18, expWeek=21, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 21 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=19, expWeek=23, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=19, expWeek=23, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 23 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=20, expWeek=25, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=20, expWeek=25, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, MD, date=Week 25 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 1 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 24 || Tue AM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 9 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 13 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 17 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 21 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=1, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 2 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=2, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 3 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=3, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 4 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=4, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 5 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=5, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 6 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, type=GROUP, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 0, seqNum=6, type=GROUP, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 7 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 1 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, expWeek=1, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 1 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 2 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, expWeek=2, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 2 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 3 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, expWeek=3, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 3 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 4 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=8, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=8, expWeek=4, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 4 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=9, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=9, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 5 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=10, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=10, expWeek=5, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 5 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=11, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=11, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 6 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=12, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=12, expWeek=6, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 6 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=13, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=13, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 7 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=14, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=14, expWeek=7, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 7 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=15, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=15, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 8 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=16, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=16, expWeek=8, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 8 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=17, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=17, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 9 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=18, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=18, expWeek=9, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 9 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=19, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=19, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 10 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=20, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=20, expWeek=10, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 10 || Tue PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=21, expWeek=11, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=21, expWeek=11, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 11 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=22, expWeek=12, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=22, expWeek=12, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 12 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=23, expWeek=13, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=23, expWeek=13, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 13 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=24, expWeek=14, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=24, expWeek=14, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 14 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=25, expWeek=15, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=25, expWeek=15, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 15 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=26, expWeek=17, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=26, expWeek=17, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 17 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=27, expWeek=19, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=27, expWeek=19, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 19 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=28, expWeek=21, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=28, expWeek=21, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 21 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=29, expWeek=25, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=29, expWeek=25, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 25 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=30, expWeek=29, type=THERAPY, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=30, expWeek=29, type=THERAPY, provider=Dr. 2, date=Week 29 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 23 || Thu AM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 11 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 12 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 13 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 17 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 21 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, type=COUNSELING, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, type=COUNSELING, provider=Mr. 0, date=Week 25 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=1, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 1 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=2, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 5 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=3, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 9 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=4, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 13 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=5, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 17 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=6, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 21 || Mon PM}
Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, type=MEDICATION, provider=null, date=null} -> Visit{patient=patient 1, seqNum=7, type=MEDICATION, provider=Dr. 0, MD, date=Week 25 || Mon PM}

  • No labels