Continue on working on proposal for Analysis Normal Form modeling of terminology for CDS knowledge artifacts (KNARTs)
Discussion items
He thought we made a lot of progress yesterday. After the call, he worked on some examples and proposals for separating the what from the how. But, like Sarita said, if we separate them too much, then it's turning into CIF. He saw Keith's responses in the email that Stephanie sent and it only confirms what we are doing.
Review of Claude's Proposed Revised Method
Claude: For actions, "discernible" does not apply and will need to be replaced (later determined to be replaced with "topic").
Claude: Everything is blue sky - everything is very simple and is one field for ANF. For CIF, each attribute represents a single concept and makes no use of SNOMED attribute concepts.
Let's say you have a post-coordinated expression for a procedure and you have route of administration by mouth and method X and you have it in a simple information model (IM) in an attribute called Topic. When you create the IM for CIF, you would have attributes for:
Topic/code for the procedure
Route of administration concept that would be used in ANF for the value and another in the IM
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