Naming Conventions for Data Inputs and other Model Elements

There is a need to follow common patterns and principles when naming model elements.

Historically, especially when DMN is involved, the name of an “InputData” model element is bound to the name of the underlying variable (as is, or for example via x-casing), which is then used in an API “signature” definition.
However, it can be argued that this requirement - the definition of an interface specification - needs more information, along the lines of what would be included in an OpenAPI or a WSDL API spec, which is way more than what a ‘name’ can contain.

Consequently, the need for a naming strategy may also be considered in a broader context of annotating model elements with a combination of:

This ‘technical' motivation should be considered - and possibly handled - independently from the general author’s requirement of CLARITY: i.e. ensuring that the underlying meaning (semantic and/or computational) is reflected in the presentation/communication layer, including the labels/names used in the model itself.

Example / Use Case:

When working with Labs, one COULD adopt a naming convention such as

<specimen type><lab test name><units>

resulting, e.g. in “[Most Recent Valid] Serum glucose in mmol per L”

One should be careful when units may involve special characters that may be corrupted in the underlying mappings. Contrast “μmol/L” vs “mmol per L”.
In this case, one could also consider properly formalizing the units as constraints/schema elements, and removing it from the element name altogether.

However, if units help disambiguate - e.g. consider a model that uses a patient’s weight in both kilos and pounds for different purposes - the names of the two model elements should reflect that distinction.

Example : Naming Conventions Spectrum