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Body temperature measurement site refset

Purpose of Refset

This reference set contains values used to result the body location where a body temperature was measured, referencing the LOINC term "Body temperature measurement site", 8327-9.

Examples of what to include

Example temperature locations include tympanic membrane, oral, and rectal.

Examples of what to exclude

This does not include temperatures of inanimate objects.

Zero or one OR Zero or more

One and only one.

Editorial Guidelines

Reference set should only contain body locations.

Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)

Wound location

Associated Value Sets

<Any related value set that is already published. How is this refset the same and how is it different? Whenever a new refset is created look in VSAC and see if one already exists? Proposer of refset does a search and lists value set/refset here that the content developer would review.>