This operation is used to fetch list of permissions available in the database except special permissions.
Base URL: /getPermissions
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{ - data: [1] - 0: { name: "access_forms" } -statusFact: { success: true } } |
This operation is used to add Roles into database as per selected organization.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/role/createRole
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
roleName | String | Yes | Role Name which needs to be created. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{ - data: { id: 54 name: "MyRole1" organizationId: "QA_Organization_A" } -statusFact: { success: true } } |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_role' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to edit Role into database as per selected organization.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/role/editRole
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
roleName | String | Yes | Role Name of the role. |
roleId | String | Yes | Role Id of the role to edit. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{ - data: { id: 54 name: "MyRole1" organizationId: "QA_Organization_A" } -statusFact: { success: true } } |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_role' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to delete Role into database as per selected organization.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/role/deleteRole
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
roleName | String | Yes | Role Name which needs to be created. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'delete_role' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch all roles associated with a particular organization along with their associated privileges.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/rolesWithPermissions
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{ - data:[1] -0: { id: "2" name: "pod" -permissions: [1] 0: { name: "read_user" } } -statusFact: { success: true } } |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_role' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to update selected Privileges into database.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/rolePermission/editRolesPermissions
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
permissions | String | Yes | The permission list to update. |
roleId | String | Yes | The role id to update |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
organization | String | Yes | The id of the organization. |
{"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_role_permission' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to add Locations into database..
Base URL: /organizations/workspaces/{workspace}/createOrUpdateRoom
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
roomName | String | Yes | The room name to create. |
roomId | String | Yes | The room id to create |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
workspace | String | Yes | The id of the workspace. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"data":{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"test_room","name":"Test New Room"},"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_room' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to update room into database for a particular facility.
Base URL: /organizations/workspaces/{workspace}/createOrUpdateRoom
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
roomName | String | Yes | The room name to create. |
roomId | String | Yes | The room id to create |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
workspace | String | Yes | The id of the workspace. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"data":{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"test_room","name":"Test New Room"},"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_facilities' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to delete locations from the database for a particular workspace.
Base URL: /organizations/workspaces/{workspace}/deleteRoom
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
workspace | String | Yes | The id of the workspace. |
roomId | String | Yes | The room id to create |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
2) Delete will not be allowed If the requested room is associated with any Patients.
3) Delete will not be allowed If the requested room is associated with any Devices.
{"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'delete_room' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch Locations from database.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/workspaces/{workspace}/rooms
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{facilityId} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
{workspaceId} | String | Yes | The id of the workspace. |
{"data":[{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"poda","name":"Pod A"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"podb","name":"Pod B"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"podc","name":"Pod C"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"podd","name":"Pod D"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"pode","name":"Pod E"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"podf","name":"Pod F"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"podg","name":"Pod G"},{"workspaceId":"unc_nursery","id":"test_room","name":"Test Room"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_rooms' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to add Shift Durations into database for a particular facility.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/createOrUpdateShiftDurations
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{facilityId} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
shiftDurations | String | Yes | Shift Durations of Facility to create. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
2) Shift Durations should contain only whole numbers. e.g. 6,12.
{"data":{"id":"UNC","nfcEnabled":true,"shifts":["9","12"],"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":false,"name":"UNC","barCodeEnabled":true,"organizationId":"UNC"},"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_facilities' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to update Shift Durations into database for a particular facility.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/createOrUpdateShiftDurations
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{facilityId} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
shiftDurations | String | Yes | Shift Durations of Facility to update. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
2) Shift Durations should contain only whole numbers. e.g. 6,12.
{"data":{"id":"UNC","nfcEnabled":true,"shifts":["9","12"],"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":false,"name":"UNC","barCodeEnabled":true,"organizationId":"UNC"},"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'modify_facilities' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to delete Shift Durations into database for a particular facility.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/deleteShiftDurations
Request Type: POST
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{facilityId} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
shiftDurations | String | Yes | Shift Durations of Facility to delete. |
Note : 1) ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
2) Shift Durations should contain only whole numbers. e.g. 6,12.
{"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'delete_facilities' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch all Shift Durations from database or fetch shift durations for a given facility.
Base URL:/organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{facilityId} | String | No | The id of the Facility. |
{"data":[{"id":"NorthEastern","nfcEnabled":true,"shifts":["3","6","9"],"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":true,"name":"North Eastern","barCodeEnabled":true,"organizationId":"UNC"},{"id":"UNC","nfcEnabled":true,"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":false,"name":"UNC","barCodeEnabled":true,"organizationId":"UNC"},{"id":"Vidant","nfcEnabled":false,"shifts":["6","9"],"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":false,"name":"Vidant","barCodeEnabled":false,"organizationId":"UNC"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_facilities' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
{"data":{"id":"UNC","nfcEnabled":false,"shifts":["6","9"],"nfcSelfModificationEnabled":false,"name":"UNC","barCodeEnabled":false,"organizationId":"UNC"},"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'read_facility' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch all available survey programs from database.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/programs
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{"data":[{"programId":1,"programLabel":"Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections","programName":"Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections"},{"programId":2,"programLabel":"Human Breast Milk in NICU","programName":"Human Breast Milk in NICU"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_progarms' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch active survey programs from database for a given facility.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/programs
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organization} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{facility} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"data":[{"programId":1,"programLabel":"Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections","programName":"Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections"},{"programId":2,"programLabel":"Human Breast Milk in NICU","programName":"Human Breast Milk in NICU"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_progarms' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch all survey forms from database.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/getForms
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organization} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"data":[{"formName":"New Line Report","surveyId":1},{"formName":"Maintenance Report","surveyId":2},{"formName":"Infection Report","surveyId":3},{"formName":"Breast Milk Report","surveyId":4},{"formName":"Patient Demographics","surveyId":5},{"formName":"Patient Discharge","surveyId":6},{"formName":"Patient Open Lines","surveyId":7},{"formName":"Form Open Lines","surveyId":8},{"formName":"Admission Questions","surveyId":9},{"formName":"Patient Final Discharge","surveyId":10},{"formName":"AUDIT","surveyId":11},{"formName":"MDQ","surveyId":12}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_programs' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch active survey forms from database for a given facility.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/facilities/{facility}/getForms
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
{organization} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{facility} | String | Yes | The id of the Facility. |
Note that ALL the parameters of the specified template must be present in the request.
{"data":[{"formName":"Breast Milk Report","surveyId":4},{"formName":"Patient Demographics","surveyId":5},{"formName":"Patient Discharge","surveyId":6},{"formName":"Patient Final Discharge","surveyId":10}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_programs' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".
This operation is used to fetch all Programs with their associated forms.
Base URL: /organizations/{organization}/programWithForms
Request Type: GET
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
token | String | Yes | Security Token obtained before. |
userId | String | Yes | The id of the logged in user. |
{organizationId} | String | Yes | The id of the Organization. |
{"data":[{"programId":"3","forms":[{"formName":"5"},{"formName":"11"}],"programName":"Patient Information"},{"programId":"2","forms":[{"formName":"2"},{"formName":"6"},{"formName":"12"}],"programName":"Human Breast Milk in NICU"},{"programId":"1","forms":[{"formName":"1"},{"formName":"3"},{"formName":"9"},{"formName":"10"}],"programName":"Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections"},{"programId":"5","forms":[{"formName":"4"}],"programName":"Open Lines"},{"programId":"4","forms":[{"formName":"7"},{"formName":"8"}],"programName":"Discharge"}],"statusFact":{"success":true}} |
In the case userId doesn't have 'list_programs_forms' permission, the operation returns a 403 (Forbidden) error with the body "Not enough permissions.".