Use Case(s)

Conditions and  observations may change over time. This reference set is used to indicate the change that is occurring.


Trend Reference Set

Purpose of Refset

The purpose of the reference set is to document the change trend of a condition or observation. Resulting LOINC code 89253-9 "Trend"

Examples of what to include

Example concepts are worsening, improving.

Examples of what to exclude

Should not include clinical course concepts such as acute, chronic. Should not include probability concepts such as suspected. Should not include condition status, such as "resolved" since that is a different attribute in the CIMI model.

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or one

Editorial Guidelines


Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)

None found

Associated Value Sets

The following LOINC List is in LOINC. LL4938-8 Trend / Improved | Deteriorated | Stabilized | Resolved