Meeting overview

Provide a brief overview of what this meeting is about and any other information that might be helpful to attendees.

(blue star) Open action items

Type /task report to aggregate open action items across your meetings. You will need to publish this page first. In the macro fields, only specify this page so that only action items relevant to this page are shown.

(blue star) Meeting minutes

Use color to help distinguish minutes of one meeting from another.




Notes, decisions and action items


@mention names to add attendees.

Add agenda items in priority order so that you get through the most important items first.

  • See open items from 4/9 minutes
  • @Matt Menning - Reach out to TechSpring again
  • Corey Smith - Deliver SMBP Observation profile , value sets, etc. to Nathan by 4/28 for inclusion in 4/30 build
  • Susan Matney Deliver updated IG value sets (new values, duplicates, and inactivations) to Nathan by 4/28 for inclusion in 4/30 Connectathon build
  • Corey Smith Let Lisa N. know that terminology submissions go through USCRS and not HL7 HTA.
  • Corey Smith Pick a date to submit Vital Signs IG code system to SNOMED via USCRS? What is the deadline for the submission to the US Edition of SNOMED?
b7920dd2-dcf5-4185-882d-017c2b7cdeb6DECIDED6c205af4-c716-4424-b98c-73ad78035ae9Type /decision to record a decision made in the meeting.