BPM+ Health


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Clinical healthcare providers have been challenged to leverage and disseminate evidence-based best practices at the point of care and serve an increasingly mobile patient population as it navigates among sites and institutions of care.

BPM+ Health™ is addressing these concerns head-on by establishing a community of practice based upon the use of open, standards-based notations (brought together under the umbrella of a style guide) which allows for all types of health organizations, professional societies, and vendors to document their care pathways and workflows so that they are sharable, discoverable, and in the future can be computer-consumable (computable). This approach results in guidelines that have been demonstrated to be more accurately expressed, more internally consistent, and more consumable than paper or pdf-style counterparts.

By putting into place industry approaches and tools based on broadly supported standards and supported by an open ecosystem, we can collectively advance the state-of-the-practice across the health sector, more effectively capturing and communicating best practices and knowledge in a common way, and making it easier for providers to adopt and apply best practices.

Read our seminal publication, Field Guide for Shareable Clinical Pathways. The guide applies three OMG business process standards to represent clinical pathways that define distinct aspects of care workflow and decision-making: Business Process Model and Notation™ (BPMN™), Case Management Model and Notation™ (CMMN™) and Decision Model and Notation™ (DMN™).

BPM+ Health is a community managed by the Object Management Group® (OMG®) an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium.


Professional healthcare societies, practitioners from clinical specialties, and subject matter experts that are interested in creating new or translating existing narrative documents into computer-consumable artifacts join the Authoring Working Group.


EHR/EMR vendors, software and application vendors, application developers, open source implementers, and members interested in realizing clinical pathways in executable software join the Implementer Working Group.


Professional modelers, consultants, and BPM+ tool vendors join the Methodology Work Group.


Healthcare provider and payer organizations, including health systems, academic medical centers, and group practices join the Institutional Adoption Working Group. These members are consumers of care pathways and guidelines and are adopting them for implementation within their care institutions.

Healthcare organizations’ Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) professionals, organizations’ informatics and analytics staff, academicians, vendors’ business analysts, and standards developers join the Academic and Professional Education Working Group.