Process Automation and Enablement Group

Process Automation and Enablement Group

AIM: This group is focused on approaches for IT/Software implementation of BPM+ standards, including implementation strategies and approaches, ingesting and use of computable workflows, and integration between HIT data and workflows.

WHO SHOULD JOIN: EHR/EMR vendors, software and application vendors, application developers, open source implementers, and members interested in realizing clinical pathways in executable software.

CO-CHAIRS: Ken Allgood: ken.allgood@healthflow.io and Ben Cushing: cush@redhat.com

COORDINATORS: Tracie Berardi tracie@omg.org

MEMBERS: Clink here for membership list

MEETING SCHEDULE: Call Calendar Wednesday’s, bi-weekly, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET


JOIN BPM+ HEALTH: https://www.bpm-plus.org/membership

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