Comments on Metadata Placemat

Comments on Metadata Placemat


Rationale (if necessary)




Rationale (if necessary)



Consider looking at Dublin Core metadata standard

We’re a standards organization…

Jane Shellum


Consider changing “area of interest” to “subject”

“subject” may be a more accurate description of what the metadata is capturing. And this is one element from Dublin Core

Jane Shellum

Accepted and done.

Consider breaking down Area of interest into groups. E.g Care Setting (inpatient, outpatient, emergency, long-term care, home, telemedicine), Special Populations (children, pregnancy, immunocompromised, etc), Comorbidities (HTN, Asthma, etc), Complications (Cardiac, Neuro, Respiratory) Care Process (screening, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up)

This will allow for a better search/browse experience (faceted search) and allows for an asset to be characterized along multiple axes.

Jane Shellum


Are resource management and logistics the same?


Jane Shellum


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