Testing with Logica FHIR Sandbox

Testing with Logica FHIR Sandbox

The FHIR resources for Care Management use cases are loaded into a Logica FHIR sandbox for testing and demonstration. Content is initially focused on the Hypertension use case, with partial support for COVID-19 Severity Classification. Intermountain Healthcare maintains a similar Logica sandbox for the Pulmonary Embolism use case and their SMART on FHIR app. For a general description of the Logica sandbox and its capabilities, see https://sandbox.logicahealth.org/

The Logica Care Management sandbox is located here:

When example patient data are loaded into the sandbox, you can view a summary like this:

We configured two open source SMART on FHIR apps that are under development by AHRQ, one for Chronic Pain Management and the second for COVID-19 Patient Care Summary. Both apps leverage CQL logic for a significant component of the app design. The Logica sandbox allow SMART apps to be configured and launched within an EHR Simulator, which is provided as a means to test and prepare for integration with EHR vendor products such as Allscripts, Cerner, or Epic.

In the lower-left corner of the EHR Simulator, note the icon with “3” indicator. This shows that the configured ‘patient-view’ CDS Hooks have produced 3 info cards. These are produced by our example CQL and FHIR PlanDefinition artifacts for the Hypertension use case. Displaying the cards in the Logica simulator looks like this:

We are continuing to expand and refine this CDS logic based on Hypertension guidelines, and will also include a CDS Hook that is implemented using BPM+ DMN and CMMN models when that development is complete.


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