HL7 DaVinci

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Da Vinci is a private sector initiative that addresses the needs of the Value Based Care Community by leveraging the HL7 FHIR platform. HSPC has joined forced with the Da Vinci community to operationalize a sandbox environment demonstrating the use cases outlined on the HL7 DaVinci program page.

Onboarding New Services

The DaVinci Sandbox environment provides a fully automated continuous Deployment Pipeline for nearly any type of service to be deployed. Your backend and/or frontend project(s) will build and deploy automatically, though require some setup and wiring. As a developer:

Developer Checklist

  • Join the GitHub team at https://github.com/hl7-davinci and put each project into a public repository. (F/OSS license is assumed.)
  • Add a Dockerfile such that compilation may be done automatically without any specific knowledge. Note that all configuration must be injected at runtime per 12factor principles and Marketplace requirements. Don't worry about SSL or HTTPS.. we'll handle that. Please optimize your Dockerfile to install dependencies prior to copying in your app code. This dramatically reduces build and deployment times, and allows the dependency layer of your image build to be cached.
  • Verify your service manually builds and run locally. E.g.
    •  docker build -t hspc/davinci-something:latest .
    •  docker run -it --rm --name something -p 8080:8080 -e KEY1=value1 -e KEY2=value2 hspc/davinci-something:latest
  • Create a Logica Health ID here and make sure you can log in to our Portainer environment by clicking "Login with OAuth".
  • Let us know the following:
    • your GitHub, Docker Hub, and Logica Health IDs.
    • port you're exposing. (Should also be declared in your Dockerfile)
    • reasonable max RAM value
    • Optional: any configuration variable key/pairs that need to be set. Remember: Never "bake in" configuration â€“ always inject it at runtime via environment variables!
    • Optional: whether or not you need WebSockets support. (We assume "no")
    • Optional: any persistence requirements or database needs. (We will assume everything is stateless and ephemeral.)
    • Optional: horizontal scale requirements. (We will assume 1-2 instances)

Once we go through our checklist, below, the CD pipeline will automatically build and, when successful, deploy all changes pushed to your master branch. (This is configurable.) You'll be able to log in to https://portainer.logicahealth.org directly to view logs and update your configuration.

Manual Logica Setup Checklist

Once we're in contact, we have a number of manual configuration steps to setting up your project's CD pipeline.

  • Sanity check your source code for obvious oddities.
  • Create DNS CNAME entry for davinci-*.logicahealth.org
  • Issue SSL certificate and autorenewal internally
  • Configure reverse proxy balancer at davinci.logicahealth.org. (Don't forget WebSockets rules if requested by the developer.)
  • Configure swarm service definition in https://portainer.logicahealth.org
  • Configure build pipeline: https://cloud.docker.com/u/hspc/repository/list
  • Update the below table of hosted services
  • Manually test deployment trigger
  • Send notification email 

Currently Supported Services

NameSandbox URLHL7 GitHub RepositoryHSPC Docker Hub RepositoryContact
PDex Formulary Clienthttps://davinci-pdex-formulary-client.logicahealth.org/https://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/pdex-formulary-clienthttps://cloud.docker.com/u/hspc/repository/docker/hspc/davinci-pdex-formulary-client
Coverage Requirements Discovery (CRD)https://davinci-crd.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/CRDhttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-crd
MRP Payer Report SMART Applicationhttp://davinci-mrp-payer.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/MRP-Payer-Apphttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-mrp-payer
MRP Payer Reference SMART Applicationhttp://davinci-mrp-reference.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/MRP-Reference-Apphttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-mrp-reference
Colon Cancer Screening Additional Data Collection Reference Apphttps://davinci-col-collectdata.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/COL-CollectData-Apphttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-col-collectdata
Colon Cancer Measure Report Submission Applicationhttps://davinci-col-submit.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/COL-Submit-Apphttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-col-submit

Clinical Data Exchange Communication Request Reference Implementation App

Clinical Data Exchange Communication Response Apphttps://davinci-cdex-commres.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/CDex-CommRes-Apphttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-cdex-commres
Prior Authorization Reference Implementationhttps://davinci-prior-auth.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/prior-auth/https://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-prior-auth
Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR) - SMART on FHIR Applicationhttps://davinci-dtr.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/dtrhttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-dtr
Plan Net RIhttps://davinci-plan-net-ri.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/plan-net-ri


Drug Formulary RIhttps://davinci-drug-formulary-ri.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/drug-formulary-rihttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-drug-formulary-ri
PCDEhttps://davinci-pcde-ri.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/pcde-rihttps://hub.docker.com/r/hspc/davinci-pcde-riJoseph Minieri
Alerts (Sender)https://davinci-alerts-sender.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/Da-Vinci-Alerts-Senderhttps://cloud.docker.com/u/hspc/repository/docker/hspc/davinci-alerts-sender

Stephen Hollifield


Charlie Provenzano



Alerts (Receiver)https://davinci-alerts-receiver.logicahealth.orghttps://github.com/HL7-DaVinci/Da-Vinci-Alerts-Receiverhttps://cloud.docker.com/u/hspc/repository/docker/hspc/davinci-alerts-receiver

Stephen Hollifield


Charlie Provenzano

