Sandbox Profiles

Sandbox Profiles

A profile is a set of constraints (on FHIR resources) expressed in StructureDefinition FHIR resources which often have references to ValueSet, CodeSystem and SearchParameter resources. Thus, in order to successfully validate a FHIR resource against a given profile, your sandbox will need the StructureDefinition along with each referenced ValueSet, CodeSystem and SearchParameter uploaded to the sandbox’s FHIR server. You can do so by uploading a zip file containing all of the needed resources. We are currently only accepting zip files that contain profile-related resources that are in JSON format. Profile uploading is not working on the current R4 sandboxes but will when we release version 4.0.0 sandboxes.

There are several publicly available profiles that you can download. The QI-Core and US-Core are among the most popular profiles.  Below are the instructions on how to upload them to your sandbox.

How to upload the QI-Core profile:

  1. Open the QI-Core Downloads page and download the “JSON” Definitions zip file (for the version of FHIR that your sandbox supports).
  2. Upload this zip file using the Upload Profile button.

How to upload the US-Core profile:

  1. Download the package.tgz from the US Core downloads page (for the version of FHIR that your sandbox supports).
  2. Upload this zip file using the Upload Profile button.

You can also create your own custom profile package by aggregating all of the required StructureDefinition, ValueSet, CodeSystem and SearchParameters resources that you have created in JSON format in a zip file.

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