Submit an Ignite Presentation or e-Poster!

Submit an Ignite Presentation or e-Poster!




Submit an Ignite Presentation or e-Poster to the Summer 2020 Virtual General Meetings of Logica!

Logica is excited to welcome community presentations and posters to our virtual meetings on August 18-20.  During this event we will have time each day for community presentations of projects and applications developed using Logica tools such as the sandbox and applying Logica interoperability values of consistency, common modeling etc.  There will also be an opportunity for ePosters to be part of the virtual meetings. 


Overview of Presentations

Members of the community can submit an application to participate in the Community Presentations.  These presentations will be in the Ignite Style of 5 minutes each with a maximum of  20 slides per presentation.  A template for the slide presentation is provided for these presentations at the link below. The room facilitator will advance the slides. The Presenter will not have control over the slides - so it is encouraged to practice presenting each slide within 15 seconds. Those wishing to participate as presenter must submit a 500 word abstract describing the project by July 31 (submissions are still being accepted).   Submissions will be reviewed and accepted for presentation by August 7th.  Those who are accepted to present, must submit their completed slide decks for use in the ignite presentation by 5pm MDT August 14th.    Please send submissions and questions to Laura@logicahealth.org.

More information on ignite style presentations can be found here and here.

Overview of ePoster Presentations

Members of the community can submit an application to participate in the Community ePoster presentations.  The ePosters will be posted and available through a link on the virtual meeting online confluence page.  Opportunities for viewers and the ePoster presentors to discuss the ePosters will also be available.   A template for the ePosters is provided for these presentations at the link below.

Those wishing to participate with and ePoster must submit a 500 word abstract describing the project by July 31 (submissions are still being accepted).   Submissions will be reviewed and accepted for presentation by August 7th.  Those who are accepted to present, must submit their completed ePosters for posting by 5pm MDT August 14th.    Please send submissions and questions to Laura@logicahealth.org.