Symedical Questions

Symedical Questions

  1. Want to view element set name source codes not “terms”

    1. Response: 9/1/2020 - Will require an enhancement request.

  2. How to ask using a service “Is this term in this value set?”

    1. This is a requested service

    2. Response: 9/1/2020 - Sent Joey an email to see if this will do it. The ValueSet GET /valueset/termElements - Returns element data for a given element set mnemonic, reference term code system, and reference term source code.  If nothing is returned then it isn’t a member.

  3. Extension namespaces

    1. Develop LOINC - Response: 9/1/2020 - Extension Catalog has been created.

      1. Date requested Response: 9/1/2020 - Done

      2. Submission ID Response: 9/1/2020 - Done

      3. Add new LOINC (before release) Response: 9/1/2020 - Can add in extension. (Should probably check for duplicate terms.)

      4. LOINC FSN-use the same COVID LOINC request spreadsheet Response: 9/1/2020 - Can add a local alias for this.

      5. add FSNs to maps for display Response: 9/1/2020 - In the Map Manager, add it to the view.

    2. Add range to Symedical extension namespace (Susan requesting an additional extension)

      1. Response: 9/1/2020 - Need to clarify. Is this about using a range of codes in the extension catalog?

  4. Adaptive workflow with accompanying reports

    1. LOINC submission Response: 9/1/2020 - Need sample/example 9/9 Susan sent

    2. SNOMED CT submission Response: 9/1/2020 - Need sample/example

  5. Term Type

    1. How was it assigned?

      1. Response: 9/1/2020 - Source Term Type - Selected when creating a catalog based on your source. Informational only.

      2. Response: 9/1/2020 - Term Type Code - Used for domain assignment when importing data into a composite catalog.

    2. How can we use it?

      1. Response: 9/1/2020 - Domain is displayed as well as Source Term Type in the Catalog Manager.

  6. Displays

    1. How to traverse the mapping from the Element or value to the SCT or LOINC code displays?

      1. Joey has this figured out using services.

    2. What Purpose/Language for LOINC do we use - display or preferred?

      1. 9/9/2020 Use Preferred/English for the display - this aligns with the long common name

  7. Mapping - Response: The map was created to validate current maps and it made it easy to pull the reference terms in. Mapping does not need to be a go forward strategy.

    1. How to add a map to a new element?

      1. Need indicator that Clinical element code has a map

    2. How are the map tables used

    3. Could we add our CEM source code to the LOINC or SNOMED CT extension table as an alias?

      1. Response: 9/1/2020 - Yes, as a local alias.

    4. FHIR catalogues - those that are “required” by FHIR, create a mapping.

    5. 9/2 Discussion - New elements are automatically added to the map catalogues and can be mapped there.

    6. Want to selectively move items from mapping table to runtime.

      1. 10/08 reply from @Chris Wheeler

      2. First step will be to delete the maps from the runtime.

      3. Then in the maps, submit and publish only terms that have been validated.

      4. Element Set publishing to the runtime.

        1. In the runtime reviewer, elements are in the repository as Value Sets. 


  8. Clinical Element Code Catalogue

    1. Domain, Source and Term Types

      1. Are mandatory fields.

      2. Assigning a terminology model for the decomposition of the inbound term. This field is used to assist in mapping and helps to align the content to the assigned domain.

  9. Elements

    1. How do we change the source code? See AssociatedAssertion_CODE

    2. Can’t change, need to create new and inactivate

  10. Subsets for U.S. Core “Patient” FHIR Profile

    1. Now to update code name? Response: can’t do. We need to retire the concept and create new.

    2. 10/12/2020 Do you have CDC race/ethnicity catalogues and can we create subsets for them a link to an element set?

    3. 10/19/2020 - What do do with HL7 gender codes “M”, “F”, “U”

    4. 0/19/2020 - Languages

  11. Maintenance

    1. Terminology

      1. Develop process with Symedical regarding new terminology updates and comparing to CEML

      2. Learn their publishing process

      3. Determine our publishing process

        1. Identify statuses in CEDAR and how to display

        2. Discuss sandbox - how to fetch content that is published
