FHIR Profiles Development Process

FHIR Profiles Development Process

Overview of HSPC FHIR Profile Development Effort

Currently, the main effort of the Modeling and Terminology Committee is to produce FHIR profiles that will be vetted by the Logica community, with the objective of generating a set of Logica "fit for purpose" profiles which may be use by anyone in the HSPC community. This saves members of the community the trouble of creating profiles themselves, and promotes interoperability insofar as members of the community choose to use these de facto standard profiles.

The following pages offer more information:

HSPC FHIR Profile Development Lifecycle


All requested profiles start here. When the issue is in this state, it means that no action has been taken on it, including a decision to work on it. Anyone can request a Logica FHIR Profile. This is done by submitting an issue in the HSPC Modeling and Terminology JIRA project here: https://healthservices.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4.

A few notes before you submit your request:

  • Please search the Logica FHIR Profiles section of this site to make sure the required profile is not already completed or in development.
  • Please search the HSPC Modeling and Terminology JIRA backlog for the required profile. If it's there, vote it up to improve the priority of getting it developed.
  • If the required profile has yet to be request, please include the following information with the request:
    • Profile concept name and any codes that represent it, e.g. LOINC code for an observation
    • The FHIR Resource to be profiled
    • Any specific requirements needed by the profile, e.g. attributes, code constraints, etc.

To Do (Not Started, Open, Reopened, Rework)

All issues in this state have gone through a formal review process and the HSPC Modeling and Terminology Team has determined that they will work the issue (create, enhance, fix a profile). This is the backlog and the team will work to keep the list prioritized to demonstrate the expected order in which the issues will be fixed (issues near the top will get worked on next, a modeling will select the issue closest to the top that matches their expertise, so the top issue may not always be taken next).

The formal review process will verify and complete the following:

  • The requirements of the issue are well understood.
  • The issue is named properly, using the Logica FHIR Profile Naming Conventions.
  • If the request is for a new profile, a dedicated Confluence page and JIRA Component will be created.

In Progress

These issues are being currently worked on.

Ready for Review

When a modeler believes that they have completed all the work required for the issue (creating, fixing, enhancing a profile) they move it to this state. This state is a preliminary check point for the modeler to seek peer review to ensure all modeling processes and best practices have been followed before sending it out for formal review by the community.

The following checklist is verified through peer review:

  • The profile has been named according to HSPC FHIR Profile Naming Conventions.
  • The profile's Confluence page:
    • Provides an up to date description of the profile. 
    • Points to the source files in Bitbucket.
    • Points to the hosted visual representation of the profile.
  • A Pull Request has been created in Bitbucket for the changes.
  • The Profile accurately reflects the logical model the profile is based on.

In Review

An issue is In Review when the Logica Modeling and Terminology Team is seeking community input before publishing the FHIR Profile as an officially endorsed Logica FHIR Profile.

<TODO: Describe the details of how In Review work. How will people be notified? How do they provide feedback? How long will it be open for review? What determines if something requires additional work vs. new follow-up issues vs. dismissal of feedback all together?>

Finalized (Published)

The work on the profile (creation, improvement, fix) has been merged to the release line of the HSPC Modeling and Terminology Git repository on Bitbucket and published and is considered an official Logica FHIR Profile.

<TODO: Where are they published (besides BitBucket)>