

  • The entire collection of BPMN, CMMN, and DMN culminate into Shareable Clinical Pathways

  • Some open-source tooling exists, but most aren’t strictly compliant to the BPM+ OMG standards

  • In order to create BPM+ artifacts you must have:

    • Clinicians – who can review the models and all outcomes/processes

    • Producers – who are BPM+ experts and will work through the overall process for creating BPM+ artifacts

    • Implementers – who are knowledgeable of the technical environments/systems that will consume and “run” BPM+ artifacts in the real world

  • Follow the 5WH process for producing BPMN, DMN, and CMMN artifacts

  • There isn’t a current way to consume BPM+ artifacts in the VHA enterprise

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