Skin Color Refset

Skin Color Refset

Use Case(s)

A developer or template creator wishes to create an artifact related to skin color, and needs to know of updates to the SNOMED terminology related to this content area.


Skin color reference set


The purpose of this refset is to monitor concepts as updates to the SNOMED terminology are made. This refset will eventually merge with the Skin Color Enumeration refset.

Example of included content

Query includes:

Descendants of color modifier (qualifier value)
Children of Color finding (finding)
Children of Colors (qualifier value)

Examples of excluded content (counterexamples)

Tattooing to correct color defects of skin (procedure) | 21357004

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Only one value of this refset can be selected.

Editorial Guidelines

Concepts should not indicate presence or absence just describe the phenomena that is being measured; concepts are drawn from the Findings and Qualifier value hierarchies.

Content includes nail bed and mucous membrane color content.

Similar Refsets

Enumerated skin color refset

Associated Clinical Quality Measures