2017-11-27 Solor Dev Meeting notes

2017-11-27 Solor Dev Meeting notes




Discussion items

Call meeting to orderSusan Castillo

Updates from HSPC meeting & AMIA meetingSusan Matney Keith Campbell

clear consistent message about ANF and clinical input form

Is an ANF a CIMI model – keith - yes

--- but technically not a CIMI model needs to be voted on

ADL and AML are CIMI models

action for Keith Campbell ANF in ADL/AML format

Do all refsets need a nursing dialect? Do all terms need a nursing dialect?

 Holly Miller prioritized list of dialects, if you're wanting to use the nursing dialect should be first, US English dialect

Will need to discuss adding "foreign body" to this refset; we probably need a physical object;

what is available now is a finding and a morphology foreign body

wound internal item visible refset — has been resolved...a refset can have membership from multiple hierarchies.

Associated Clinical Quality Measures

<Identify if this refset will be associated with any clinical quality measures>

Refset Description Template

modified refset description template to reflect our discussion

Next Steps for Skin/Wound Assessment ExtensionSusan Castillo

the deliverable from SOLOR Dev team is a zip file of the extension in RF2 format

Stan Huff we want to publish value sets to VSAC

At HSPC meeting it was decided that the International SNOMED release would be used due to UMLS licensing issues (person vs organization signs up, and reporting requirements). Execute license for SNOMED International release directly with SNOMED International release. Susan Castillo find out about licensing and reporting requirements (i.e. click through license). Keith Campbell review the SNOMED International license and reporting requirements.

Retrospective – on Skin/Wound Assessment projectSusan Castillo

Action items


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