Vital Signs Refsets

Vital Signs Refsets




Number of


Number of

New Concepts

20180824August, 24th 20189

Refset NameVersion



Status of Refset



Body Height Measurement Devices RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set is used to result LOINC code 41910-1 "Type of Height device"
Body Position Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
11This reference set contains concepts used to result the patient's body position, referencing the SNOMED Code 397155001 Body position (observable entity) and the LOINC term "Body position with respect to gravity" 8361-8.
Blood Pressure Device Cuff Size Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
13This reference set contains concepts used to result the size of a blood pressure cuff used during a blood pressure measurement, referencing the SNOMED Code 722471002 "Size of blood pressure cuff (observable entity)" and the LOINC term "Blood pressure device Cuff size" 8358-4.
Blood Pressure Device Type Refset20180824August, 24th 2018

This reference set contains concepts used to result the type of device used to measure a body blood pressure, referencing the SNOMED Code 23591000205102 “Blood pressure device type (observable entity)" and the LOINC term “Type of Blood pressure device” 41901-0.

Blood Pressure Measurement Site Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
16This reference set contains values used to result the body location where a blood pressure was measured, referencing the SNOMED Code 2281000205100 “Blood pressure measurement site (observable entity)” and the LOINC term "Blood pressure measurement site", 41904-4.
Blood Pressure Method Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
8This reference set contains concepts used to result the method used for a blood pressure measurement, referencing the SNOMED Code 2291000205103 “Blood pressure method (observable entity)” and the LOINC term "Blood pressure method" 8357-6.
Body Side RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the body side of a condition or measurement. This reference set is used to result LOINC code 20228-3 "Anatomic part Laterality".
Body Temperature Device Type Refset20180824August, 24th 2018Retired7

The content previously found in this refset is now found in 

Body temperature method measurement and device reference set

Body Temperature Measurement Method and Device RefsetTBDTBD

Body temperature is taken and the user records measurement method or instrument used to evaluate the temperature. It combines method and device values because they often overlap in EHR documentation systems.
Body Temperature Measurement Site Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
11This reference set contains values used to result the body location where a body temperature was measured, referencing the SNOMED Code 1520000000000 "Body temperature measurement site (observable entity)" and the LOINC term "Body temperature measurement site", 8327-9.
Clock Face Position RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set is used to describe the clock face position the relative direction of an clinical finding described using the analogy of a 12-hour clock. One imagines a clock face lying either upright or flat in front of oneself, and identifies the twelve hour markings with the directions in which they point.

Clinical Observation Status RefsetTBDTBD

The purpose of the Clinical Observation Status reference set is to report the status of observation result values. It is a value set used to result FHIR observation.status.code.

Clothing Worn During Measure Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
3This reference set contains concepts used to result the amount of clothing worn during the measure, referencing the SNOMED Code 248159006 "State of dress (observable entity)" and the LOINC term "Clothing worn during measure"  8352-7.
Exercise Association Reference SetTBDTBD

The purpose of the reference set is to document exercise associated with a measurement. Resulting LOINC code 74008-4 "Exercise intensity".
Head Circumference Measurement Device RefsetTBDTBD

The purpose of this reference set is to contain devices or tools used to measure head circumference.
Heart Rate Device Type Refset20180824August, 24th 2018
6This reference set contains concepts used to result the type of device used to measure a heart rate, referencing the LOINC term "Type of Heart rate device" 8887-2.
Heart Rate Measurement Body Location RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains values used to result the body location where a heart rate was measured, referencing the LOINC term "Heart rate measurement site", 41904-4.
Heart Rate Measurement Method RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the method used for a blood pressure measurement, referencing the LOINC term "Heart rate method"  8886-4.
Measurement Means RefsetTBDTBD

The purpose of this reference set is to record action by which a result is brought about. Referencing LOINC code xxx.
Observation Setting Refset

The purpose of this reference set is to document the place where a measurement was taken such as hospital, clinic or home.

Oxygen Saturation Body Location RefsetTBDTBD

Values used to record the site where an oximeter was placed and capillary oxygen saturation measured.
Oxygen Saturation Sensor Description RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the type of blood pressure measurement device, referencing the LOINC term "Oxygen Saturation Sensor Type73803-9.
Quantitative Result Interpretation RefsetTBDTBD

The purpose of this reference set is to provide interpretive values for quantitative measurements as they pertain to a specified range.
Respiratory Rate Measurement Device RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the type of device used to measure a heart rate, referencing the LOINC term "Type of Breath rate device" 9277-5.
Respiratory Rate Measurement Method TBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the method used for a respiratory rate measurement, referencing the LOINC term "Breath rate method"  9275-9.
Sleep Status RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains values used to indicate the state of wakefulness during measurement
Shoes Worn During Measure Refset

This reference set contains concepts used to result if shoes were worn during the measure.

Vital Signs Associated Precondition RefsetTBDTBD

Values used to record previously existing conditions or states that could affect a measurement or assessment. For example; a patient's heart rate taken during or after a procedure, heart rhythm taken after an apneic episode. These temporal period concepts can be used as allowed qualifiers to post-coordinated/precoordinated vital signs concepts. Referencing the LOINC term XXX.
Weight Measurement Device RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set contains concepts used to result the type of instrument used to measure a body weight, referencing the LOINC term "XXX" (need LOINC).
Weight Precondition RefsetTBDTBD

This reference set specifies clinical conditions and other circumstances are present prior to the weight measurement. Examples include wearing a prosthesis or cast in place.