2018-04-16 SOLOR Content Development Meeting notes

2018-04-16 SOLOR Content Development Meeting notes




  • General update as we haven't met in a while.

Discussion items

Call to orderSusan C
15 minUpdate from SNOMED International MeetingKeith

Next FHA SOLOR learnings series scheduled for May 17th - invitation will follow shortly

NLM RxNorm – considering aligning RxNorm with the international drug model

Statement model – editorial group forming a committee 

Spoke with Jim C/Suzy Roy – duplicate content in our extension if not in the international edition – the end goal is for US Extension (and others) to be small and only contain content that is specific to the US. Contact Susan Roy by email that lists the content that should be added to the international edition. Susan Matney will send list of concepts from skin wound assessment that we'd like added. Susan Matney send email to Rob M. about VSAC.

TermMed will turn on feature in HSPC termSpace that can automatically submit fully modeled data to the snomed international tooling.

termSpace will help us implement a refset for LOINC codes. Susan Castillo will follow up with termSpace. Need to create guidance that if you create messages LOINC code should be used so we are not advocating competing standards. 

10 min

Duplicate concept Pressure injury of deep tissue (disorder)

Need a decision on what to do with 2 concepts that have the same name but are modeled differently in our extension and the International edition

SOL-184 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Susan Cupdated Jira for John K. 
10 minSuicide scale LOINC additionsSusan MLOINC should have a code that represents the results of a panel. Susan M can train and educate. Holly Miller VA/Mike's team needs to determine if this effort is something they can allocate resources to. 
10 min

HL7 Podiatry group

SOL-32 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There is a podiatry group in HL7 who is starting to develop their content. The values they have for wound odor include:
malosorous (not sure what is the difference between this, fetid, and foul)
fruity - there is a fruity body odor but not odor alone, what is the difference between this and sweet
sweet (there is a sweet fruity body odor but not alone.

Let's discuss again. We really need wound experts to chime in here. Or....even better, see real data.

Susan Mupdated JIRA...for now just continue with concepts we have in the Exudate Odor refset. For the VA use case and SME's this refset is done.

Action items

  • Susan Matney will send list of concepts from skin wound assessment that we'd like added.
  • Susan Matney send email to Rob M. about VSAC.
  • Susan Castillo termSpace will help us implement a refset for LOINC codes. Susan C will follow up with termSpace. Need to create guidance that if you create messages LOINC code should be used so we are not advocating competing standards. 

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