2019-04-29 Solor Content Development Meeting notes

2019-04-29 Solor Content Development Meeting notes


Apr 29, 2019


  • @Susan Castillo

  • @Susan Matney

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Ning Zhuo

  • @John Kilbourne

  • @Stephanie Klepacki



Discussion topics










Generic pattern attributes


Attribute names in the model will stay at the high “Condition” level and not specific to the condition. Specific reference sets will be made for the reference sets. E.g. Pain Alleviating Factor.

Pain Alleviating Factors Refset
Patient's try many things to relieve pain. The purpose of this reference set is to document non-pharmacologic things that decrease pain.

Susan M

Discuss, may want to rename this to include "non-pharmacological". John voiced concern that “non-pharmacologic” is unclear.  Keep as Alleviating factors. @Susan Matney explore if the raw data included specific medications.


Pain Category Refset

The type of assessment and care templates within an EHR often driven by category. For example, a labor pain assessment is much different than a chest pain assessment.


Discuss "category". Is it ok to create because it’s not stored on the patient. Yes, OK to create. There will be common things between them but they will not be exclusive and not exclusive to specific roles.


Pain Exacerbating Factors Refset

Many things can make pain worse, such as activity. The purpose of this reference set is to document non-pharmacologic things that decrease pain.


Discuss, may want to rename this to include "non-pharmacological". John voiced concern that “non-pharmacologic” is unclear.  Keep as Alleviating factors. @Susan Matney explore if the raw data included specific medications.


Pain Quality Refset

Patients describe their pain using different sensations such as stabbing, burning, and throbbing. The purpose of this reference set is to document pain sensations.


May have done already. @Susan Castillo please investigate.


SNOMED CT Jan 2019 release requires Solor content changes.


https://logica.atlassian.net/browse/SOL-1968Task assigned to @John Kilbourne to investigate. He will work with Susan to figure out what has to be done.

Action items

@John Kilbourne to investigate. He will work with Susan to figure out what has to be done.

@Susan Castillo investigate if pain quality refset is already created.

@Susan Matney for Alleviating and Exacerbating factors, explore if the raw data included specific medications.

