2019-06-03 & 2019-06-17 Solor Content Meeting notes

2019-06-03 & 2019-06-17 Solor Content Meeting notes


Jun 3, 2019


  • @Susan Castillo

  • @Susan Matney

  • @Ning Zhuo

  • @John Kilbourne

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Stephanie Klepacki



Discussion topics












Currently, “Pain Course” has semantically inconsistent value sets that include Trend values and Course values. We need to discuss.

https://logica.atlassian.net/browse/SOL-1777review w/ susan m






Modeling of activities



I would also like to add modeling of “activities” (e.g. Bending, Carrying, ADLs; i.e. volitional activities done by the patient) to the agenda this Monday also.

I don’t see an obvious hierarchy to add those to.

“Deep breathing” is a finding

“Standing up” is an observable

“Standing” is a synonym for the SNOMED finding concept with the FSN “Orthostatic body position (finding)”

It looks like static positions (sitting, standing, etc.) are findings. “Deep breathing” lies on the border of volitional action; i.e. it could be something like tachypnea and not really in the patient’s control, or it could be something that “hurts when I do it” when I have a bruised rib.

Volitional activities like diet (“Vegetarian diet”) are considered regime/therapy, I think because they are generally seen imposed as hospital orders vs something the patient decides to do on his/her own.

Patient actions that are clearly volitional which might exacerbate pain (“bending”, “carrying”, etc.) don’t seem (to me) to have an obvious home.

review with susan m
















let’s review guillermo’s recommendation--

My advice (please check with Keith) would be to avoid changing the core concept definition coming from the international release, and add a secondary axiom with the new parent, in alignment with the new DL enhancements. Then, after classification your definitions would prevail (the others would become redundant without the need to modify them) and will be the ones in the inferred form. To do this you would need the new version of termSpace that will be deployed to your server in a couple of weeks.


Susan C – ask termspace if we can add a second axiom in our version of termspace.

Action items


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