Vital Signs Associated Precondition Reference Set

Vital Signs Associated Precondition Reference Set

Use Case(s)

Values used to record previously existing conditions or states that could affect a measurement or assessment. For example; a patient's heart rate taken during or after a procedure, heart rhythm taken after an apneic episode. These temporal period concepts can be used as allowed qualifiers to post-coordinated/precoordinated vital signs concepts. Referencing the LOINC term XXX.


Vital Signs Associated Precondition Reference Set

Purpose of Refset

Values used to record previously existing conditions or states that could affect a measurement or assessment.

Examples of what to include

Procedures such as cardioversion, dialysis, activity; Findings

Examples of what to exclude

Values from explicitly qualifiers such as clothing worn during measurement or body position.

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or more

Editorial Guidelines

Include values from Procedure or Clinical Findings

Similar Solor Refsets (assemblages)

Pain associated precondition reference set

Weight precondition reference set

Associated Value Sets

No associated value sets founds except for the similar SOLOR refsets mentioned above.

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