2020-06-11 Meeting notes

2020-06-11 Meeting notes


Jun 11, 2020


  • @Andrew Sills

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Penni Hernandez

  • @Linda Wedemeyer



Discussion topics







Round Robin Updates


  • @Keith Campbell On Dx Accelerator call - there is potential that these work flows can be used to capture data for their projet

  • @Keith Campbell COVID-19 Project - nothing overlapping to BPA efforts

  • @Keith Campbell Solor development - need to work towards filling missing concepts as Solor extensions

  • @Linda Wedemeyer - completed 8 out of the 10 COVID-19 clinical workflows

    • Still need to review with @Robert Lario during scheduled Friday meeting

  • @Penni Hernandez Continued to code Dx Accelerator data elements

    • Identified some issues with LOINC and SNOMED CT (e.g., coding a result)

    • There is enough coded data elements to start looking at the statement models

  • @Andrew Sills Working on providing more content regarding operational readiness and HRO/LO initiatives (supported by @Raja Cholan and @Tim Williams )

ANF Discussion

@Keith Campbell

  • Limitations with HL7 in the past regarding an anti-pattern called sub-classing by inheritance. FHIR is the next iteration to contain and alignment best practices around clinical data statements. KNARTs also came about to help document clinical knowledge artifacts, but still limited to multiple possible implementations which can differ and is subjective across individual informaticist/clinicians.

    • Construct redundancy vs construct overload - overlord is bad, but polymorphism is beneficial with in a certain degree

  • CIMI tries to work with an idea of a clinical statement. This idea is the essence in a reproducible representation and query process.

    • statements have topics (a good starting point for ANF)

    • ANF is an extension of CIMI geared towards forcing/enabling a reconciliation of how to capture a clinical statement across multiple data source from different

    • Originally there were 4 statements to capture medical data (Observation, Finding, outcomes, Request)

      • This was reduced through collaboration efforts to Performance and Request clinical statements

        • E.g., Performance is that I lost 30 pounds over the next three months which could be a result of a request to loose 30 pounds over the next three months

        • The topic is still the same across both statement types, weight loss of loosing 30 pounds over the next three months

      • The narrative statement is geared towards individuals who aren’t utilizing performance and request statement types

  • Turning coded data elements into ANF topics

    • Discussed past collaboration outcomes of what is the technique of taking blood pressure measure while feet are flat on the floor

Action items

@Linda Wedemeyer Send latest and greatest BPMN source and pdf files
@Andrew Sills Disseminate previous ANF presentations
@Penni Hernandez Provide updated content for review with Dr. Gianola
