Logica Architecture Workgroup
Logica Architecture Workgroup
Logica plays a unique role in the healthcare industry, as a provider-led consortium leading the charge to create an open architecture and platform for the next generation of healthcare applications.
Logica Architecture details the requirements to which implementing HSPC enabled applications and platforms adhere. This is a collaborative space to further the work of the spec.
The architecture informs the current version of the Logica Technical Specification, which implements the architectural principles defined by this Workgroup using open, state of the art technologies.
WG Meetings
The WG meets on Mondays at 3pm CET
Architecture WG meeting notes are here.
WG Scope
The WG focuses on the following aspects related to the HSPC architecture:
- Define the Principles
- Define the HSPC Functional Architecture Specification (Draft status)
- Define the Roadmap
- Disseminate the work in the community
WG Glossary