Logica/SMART Java Client Collaboration

Logica/SMART Java Client Collaboration

The SMART on FHIR development team and the Logica development team are collaborating on creating a Java Client for the SMART on FHIR platform.  

Overview of the Java Client Collaboration

The purpose of this collaboration is to create Java Client Integration Library similar to the SMART on FHIR Java Script Client Library. This will ease development of JSP and Java based Logica & SMART on FHIR applications. Besides the creation of the libraries, a set of tutorials will be published to teach consumers how to use the library.

Code Repos

Logica/SMART Java Client codebase is available as a Git project on Bitbucket at https://bitbucket.org/hspconsortium/hspc. It is currently a subproject located at <project-base>/hspc/java-platform/client. See HSPC Codebase for details on building this project.

Artifacts and Servers

Set the Artifacts and Servers page.

Information on maven, downloading, and building

See the HSPC Java Client page.


Project Status

The collaboration project will be managed in JIRA here: JIRA Agile Project. Below is a snapshot of the identified stories and tasks for the collaboration.

key type summary created updated assignee priority status

Architectural Design

Java Application

Headless Java Application