2014-09-11 Sandbox Kick-off Discussion
2014-09-11 Sandbox Kick-off Discussion
- Rick Freeman
- Herb White (Unlicensed)
- RobertG (Unlicensed)
- Oscar Diaz
- Ajay Asthana (Unlicensed)
- Paul White
- Scott Whyte
- Aziz Boxwala
- Marc Waterloo
Discussion items
Get everyone on the same page as to what is the sandbox? What purpose does it serve?
Required features of an HSPC sandbox
- Embodiment of the reference architecture
- Place where developers can test and build
- Contains a set of test, yet realistic, clinical data
Optional Sandbox features
- App development resources and sdks
- Test ideas for future additions to the technical specification
- Conformance testing/certification environment
Two Tiers of the Technical Specification, Two Tiers of Sandboxes
The team agreed that there will be two tiers of the technical specification.
Tier 1
- Define a consistent way to read, write, and update data. Including:
- Clinical datatype structural and terminology definition
- Query language and supported criteria for filtering
- Define how hosting EMRs will launch HSPC applications
- Authorization
- Authentication
- Application Launch Context
- Clinical Event Manager
- Pub/Sub model for application
- Define set of required events
Tier 2
- Requires all specifications defined in tier 1 to be implemented
- Define workflow and SOA features to enable advanced clinical application development
Since there are two tiers of the technical specification, a sandbox may either be a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 implementation of the specification. Note that being a Tier 2 implementation implies that the sandbox supports all the requirements of a Tier 1 implementation.
Existing Tier 1 sandboxes
- ASU: FHIR services: conditions, obervations, medications, etc.
- iSalus: Current on tech spec reference implementation (Authen, Author, FHIR Svc)
Next Steps
- Team to meet Friday, September 19th at 8:30 MDT to discuss next steps to building out a Tier 1 & Tier 2 sandbox. Rick Freeman
- Aziz Boxwala, Scot Post van der Burg, and Marc Waterloo to meet to discuss current state of the Tier 1 specification and what they would need to implement it. Scot Post van der Burg (Unlicensed)
- Profiles discussion w/Tom Rick Freeman
- Consoliate ASU and iSalus sandboxes. Rick Freeman, RobertG (Unlicensed)
- Investigate collection of test data. Herb White (Unlicensed)
- Schedule a meeting to consolidate ASU & Intermountain sandbox Rick Freeman
- Consolidate sandbox systems requirements for ClearData send to Scott Whyte Rick Freeman
- List of data collection: LSU, VA, Intermountain, Herb White's source, Andy Freeberg, possibly the vendors as well (Epic, Cerner, Allscripts) Herb White (Unlicensed)
- Setup meeting between HSPC and OpenEMPI @Scott White
- Follow-up with Harris about getting the Tier 2 sandbox setup Oscar Diaz
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