New Organization Requirements
The new organization (called 'ACME') is composed by 1 facility and 2 workspaces. Each workspace has 2 rooms containing 2 patients each.
The organization has 3 users: one of role Admin and two of role Nurse. The organization only has 1 device.
The only available surveys for this organization are:
- Admission/Demographics/Discharge and Human Breast Milk report for 'Nursery' workspace.
- Admission/Demographics/Discharge for 'Adults' workspace.
The ACME organization is only interested in 2 alerts:
- When a patient is admitted, send an alert to the user with 'Admin' role. The alert is specific to the user and not to the role.
- When a Human Breast Milk report is submitted, inform any user with role 'Nurse' (that is currently assigned to the patient that generated the submission) if the answer for question "Did you discuss the importance of providing milk or reviewed the pumping log?" is "No".
1. Organization Structure
Organizations | |
OrganizationId | Name |
ACME | ACME Org. |
Facilities | ||||||
FacilityId | OrganizationId | Name | Timezone | NFCEnabled | NFCSelfModificationEnabled | BarCodeEnabled |
ACME-PH | ACME | Pearl Harbor | US/Hawaii | true | false | false |
Note: the facility has support for NFC tag identification for Users and Patients.
Workspaces | |||
WorkspaceId | FacilityId | Name | Description |
PH-Nursery | ACME-PH | Nursery | Nursery Workspace of Pearl Harbor |
PH-Adults | ACME-PH | Adults | Adults Workspace of Pearl Harbor |
Rooms | ||
RoomId | WorkspaceId | Name |
PH-N-poda | PH-Nursery | Pod A |
PH-N-podb | PH-Nursery | Pod B |
PH-A-poda | PH-Adults | Pod A |
PH-A-podb | PH-Adults | Pod B |
2. Organization's metadata
OrganizationMetadata | |||
OrganizationMetadataId | OrganizationId | Abbreviation | PatientSeq |
1 | ACME | ACM | 8 |
A sample of a Chart Id for patients of this Organization is: ACM0914-001
3. Organization's Roles and Permissions
Roles | |||
Id | Name | Description | OrganizationId |
1 | Admin | This represents an Admin for ACME Org. | ACME |
2 | Nurse | This represents an Nurse for ACME Org. | ACME |
The RolePermission entries bellow are just an example. Different organizations could allow or restrict certain operations to different roles in different ways.
RolePermissions | |||
Id | RoleId | PermissionName | OrganizationId |
1 | 1 | list_organizations | |
2 | 1 | read_organization | ACME |
3 | 1 | list_facilities | ACME |
4 | 1 | read_facility | ACME |
5 | 1 | list_workspaces | ACME |
6 | 1 | read_workspace | ACME |
7 | 1 | list_rooms | ACME |
8 | 1 | read_room | ACME |
9 | 1 | list_roles | ACME |
10 | 1 | read_role | ACME |
11 | 1 | list_users | ACME |
12 | 1 | read_user | ACME |
13 | 1 | delete_user | ACME |
14 | 1 | modify_user | ACME |
15 | 1 | modify_own_user | |
16 | 1 | modify_user_nfc_tag | ACME |
17 | 1 | list_patients_from_current_organization | |
18 | 1 | list_discharged_patients | ACME |
19 | 1 | read_alerts_from_entire_organization | |
20 | 1 | send_messages | |
21 | 2 | list_rooms | ACME |
22 | 2 | read_room | ACME |
23 | 2 | read_user | ACME |
24 | 2 | modify_own_user | |
25 | 2 | list_patients_from_current_facility | |
26 | 2 | list_discharged_patients | ACME |
27 | 2 | discharge_patients | ACME |
28 | 2 | final_discharge_patients | ACME |
29 | 2 | read_alerts_only_from_associated_patients |
4. Organization's Users and Patients
Users | |||||||||||
UserId | Username | Pin | TagId | Password | UpdateDate | RoleId | FistName | LastName | FacilityId | Status | |
ACME-U1 | admin | 1c3b637c7bbf0b2fae454d8fc563b3103522896f | 000000003ec47563013ed8b51 | | 58e6b3a414a1e090dfc6029add0f3555ccba127f | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | 1 | John | Jovi | ACME-PH | ACTIVE |
ACME-U2 | nurse1 | 23bad90c7bbf0b2fae454d8fc563b31046daac9f | 000000003ecae23092bbc8b98 | | 23bad90c7bbf0b2fae454d8fc563b31046daac9f | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | 2 | Mary | Stewart | ACME-PH | ACTIVE |
ACME-U3 | nurse2 | 329884cnad78df9a9bcc0a6512abd43019fbb32 | 000000003ec47563013edaaa3 | | 329884cnad78df9a9bcc0a6512abd43019fbb32 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | 2 | Rachel | Gandolfini | ACME-PH | ACTIVE |
Note: Pin and Password columns are SHA1ed.
Patients | ||||||||||||||||||
Guid | ChartId | TagId | GestationalAge | Weight | DischargeDate | CreateDate | Creator | RoomId | Length | HeadCircumference | AdmissionDate | DeliveryType | FinalDischargeDate | UpdateDate | UpdateBy | CalculatedDOB | Survive | ExcludeFromStudy |
1 | ACM0914-001 | 000000003ec47563013ed0001 | 25 | 900 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U2 | PH-N-poda | 60 | 20 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-08-30 07:00:00 | ||||||
2 | ACM0914-002 | 000000003ec47563013ed0002 | 25 | 875 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U2 | PH-N-poda | 75 | 26 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Outborn | 2014-08-30 07:00:00 | ||||||
3 | ACM0914-003 | 000000003ec47563013ed0003 | 23 | 925 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U2 | PH-N-podb | 75 | 24 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ||||||
4 | ACM0914-004 | 000000003ec47563013ed0004 | 20 | 780 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U2 | PH-N-podb | 69 | 26 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ||||||
5 | ACM0914-005 | 000000003ec47563013ed0005 | 27 | 1100 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U3 | PH-A-poda | 80 | 27 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ||||||
6 | ACM0914-006 | 000000003ec47563013ed0006 | 24 | 700 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U3 | PH-A-poda | 68 | 25 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ||||||
7 | ACM0914-007 | 000000003ec47563013ed0007 | 26 | 1000 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U3 | PH-A-podb | 90 | 30 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Outborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ||||||
8 | ACM0914-007 | 000000003ec47563013ed0008 | 24 | 768 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | ACME-U3 | PH-A-podb | 88 | 28 | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 | Inborn | 2014-09-02 13:35:20 |
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