C4MI Information

C4MI Information


The Center for Medical Interoperability (C4MI) 501(c)(3) organization led by health systems to change how medical technologies work together. They are solving the shared technical challenges health systems face in integrating medical devices, EHRs and IT systems in a plug-and-play way.  The following background information explains their unique role in the healthcare industry, as well as their shared mission with the HSPC:

C4MI Overview (February 2016) [PDF]

Interoperability is an Ethical Issue (Beckers 2015-07) [PDF]

The Value of Medical Device Interoperability [PDF]


The C4MI recognizes that interoperability is not a specific state, but rather a continuum, ranging from complete inability to share data to the fluid exchange of information, and as a result has developed a multi-dimensional model to assess plug-and-play interoperability across five main levers:

To achieve "true" interoperability, organizations need to answer questions such as :

    • How connected, secure and resilient is your health system’s infrastructure?
    • Is the information your health system needs to exchange formatted to meet your needs?
    • Do the places that send and receive your data speak the same language?
    • Is information exchange orchestrated to meet your needs?
    • Do your information exchanges enable safety and optimal decisions?

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