1pm - 5pm | Issues for discussion - Reaffirm the goal of server side normalization of data
- Complexity of data transformation should be in the server, not in each application
- Make the implications of this decision clear and explicit
- Using spreadsheets, and/or tuples for structurally consistent subsets of lab data
- Proposal to use HL7 FHIR Data Elements for standard labs where appropriate
- Specific modeling approach for standard laboratory data
- Pre versus post coordination of method, specimen type, timing, etc.
- Specific modeling approach for patient measurements, observations, and conditions
- Recording diagnosis versus maintaining a "problem list"
- Priorities for creating additional models
Presentation Items: - Tom to give overview on modeling process flow.
- Show JIRA and existing back-log.
- Review proposed process for vetting draft models.
| Stan Huff, Tom Oniki | |