- Laura Heermann Ask Scott about use of Cerner in Logica sandbox and possibly a technical resource to participate in Connectathon as EHR actor
- @Matt Menning - reach out Tech Spring about EHR actor and technical support?
- Corey Smith (Deactivated)Laura Heermann @Matt Menning Attend 4/14 5 PM EDT Connectahon Prep session https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/2020-05+Connectathon+24 - Ask Sandy Vance what the requirements for ballot are with regard to Connectathon?
- Nathan Davis Send note to Claude to ask if he can provide an Epic instance for Connectathon and a person to “drive” the EHR for Connectathon
- @Matt Menning Corey Smith (Deactivated) - Connect and report back on Device & Data aggregator actors
- Nathan Davis Will create IG SOLR code system in 4/30 build. First step is to send CodeSystem URL to Monique/Corey so that they can reference it from the value set. Nathan will send by 4/13